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Content Typography Styles

Employee Learning Cloud: Define default typographic styles used in text editors and content created in WorkRamp.

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Written by PM team
Updated over a week ago

To access your global typography styles for your content, navigate to Settings > Enterprise > Theming. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click to open the Typography page:

You'll find on this page, the ability to select alternative default fonts for your content, as well as the ability to designate the font size, weight and color for Normal/body text and H1-H6 text.

The font selectors at the top of the page allow you to set a Heading Font and a Body Font for your Guides and Resources. The font options in the drop downs are the top 200 fonts from Google Fonts. The default for both is Inter.

When you make changes to the variables for each, you will see a real-time preview of each type style. Here you can see that the Heading 1 is inheriting the Heading Font (PT Serif) and has an updated Font Size, Font Weight and Color:

To validate the look and feel before you save, click Preview in the top right corner to see what a sample guide would look like with these styles:

Please note: These styles will be inherited automatically by ALL guides and resources in your enterprise upon save.

This makes the typography styles very efficient to apply, but we recommend you set these based on your brand standards and style guides, before committing.

When you click Save, you can now exit by clicking the ← Theming navigation button in the top left corner.

If you have changed your mind, you can click the three dots in the top right corner, and revert to WorkRamp Defaults (Inter font, black).

Navigate back to your Content to preview the styles applied.

Here are some places you can see how the styles look in various content blocks throughout Guides and Resources:

If you ever need to override a global type style in your text blocks, you will see the usual options to change font size, color, etc. We have also added the ability to change the font from our text editor:

Note: Navigation and Titles in Guides, and the title and description in Resources are not editable on the content level, this inherits the font choice in Body Font.


  1. Do styles get saved in a Guide’s version history?

    1. No - think of styles as something you can apply at a global level to all content. The benefit here is applying styles globally will keep your content consistent.

  2. How does this work with CLC custom fonts?

    1. If you don’t set a font in Academies, you see the styling from Enterprise Theming, and if you do set a font in Academies, you will override all fonts applied in Enterprise Theming (styles stay consistent with color and font size).

  3. Why does my bold font look blurry?

    1. Some Google Fonts are not available in weights other than Regular. When you set a font to a weight that it’s not available in, the browser applies font synthesis in order to simulate boldness. The browser and operating system determine what this ultimately looks like (results can vary between browsers).

  4. Can I upload a custom font?

    1. This is a likely enhancement - please reach out to your COM or if you are interested in partnering with our product team to beta test the feature when it's ready.

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