A custom site built in the Customer Learning Cloud that houses training materials. Your enterprise can have multiple Academies for different use cases.
A special designation of a user that gives a user elevated permissions in either the Employee Learning Cloud or Customer Learning Cloud. An admin in the Customer Learning Cloud is called a "Hub Admin".
AI Assist
An AI assistant that helps create content within WorkRamp. Part of the WorkRamp AI suite.
When a piece of content is assigned to a user. An assignment may or may not have a due date associated with it. An assignment can also be leveraged across multiple learning objects. Assignments are only leveraged in the Employee Learning Cloud; its equivalent in the Customer Learning Cloud is an Enrollment.
The ability to automate specific tasks within WorkRamp. For example, you can create assignments when new users are created.
Badge can be awarded on completion of Learning Objects. These can use default or custom icons and are saved to user profiles. Certificates can be optionally included with badges. Badges are only available in the Employee Learning Cloud.
Digital certificates are awarded on completion of Learning Objects. Certificates are available on the Employee Learning Cloud via Badges and are available on Customer Learning Cloud after the completion of Certifications. Employee and Customer Learning Cloud certificates are not shared between each product.
Certifications are awarded in the Customer Learning Cloud only. Certificates are delivered once a contact has completed a certification. On the Employee Learning Cloud, you can still earn a Certificate via a Badge.
A learning object that tests Learners via video, written, in-person, or upload-based formats. Challenges can be assigned standalone, or bundled within a path. Challenges are reviewed by Reviewers after a Learner completes it.
Also known as "Content Management System", the CMS is where you can manage files and links for internal and external sharing. The primary use case is for revenue-facing teams for content like case studies and pitch decks.
A group of materials within an Academy.
A Community is an add-on to an Academy that helps customers build Learner communities. A Community is only available in the Customer Learning Cloud and is meant for external audiences.
Users that are registered to a Hub within Customer Learning Cloud.
Content Manager
Where learning content is managed and shared across the Employee and Customer Learning clouds.
Custom User Attributes
Custom fields that can be added to users within the Employee Learning Cloud
Customer Learning Cloud
The WorkRamp product built for external-facing training
Development Tab
An area within the Learner View that houses WorkRamp Content. This is primarily used for self-service of off-the-shelf content.
Discussion Board
A custom discussion board that can be added to Libraries within the Employee Learning Cloud.
A role that allows Users to edit content within the Content Manager
Employee Learning Cloud
The WorkRamp product built for internal-facing training
Employee LMS
The primary product for the Employee Learning Cloud. The Employee LMS primarily serves internal training audiences.
The equivalent of assignments, but in an Academy. Enrollments can either be self-serve, or assigned by an admin.
Trainings that are typically hosted and tracked on a certain day or time. Events live in both the Employee and Customer Learning Cloud as separate learning object types and serve slightly different use cases.
External Users
External User terminology is leveraged with the Employee Learning Cloud. These are used to designate users that are not listed as an Internal Domain user. This concept is primarily used for security purposes, such as protecting internal assets from external partner domains.
Folders are leveraged in multiple parts of WorkRamp. Primarily, they are used to house materials in the Content Manager, or group materials within a Library.
The primary collaboration area for Contacts within the Community feature. It houses topics and posts.
Multiple users within the Employee Learning Cloud can belong to a group. Groups can be assigned content together and can also be manual or dynamic. Users can either be placed into a group by an admin (manual) or move in and out of groups via custom attribute changes (dynamic). The equivalent of Groups in the Customer Learning Cloud is called Segments.
The proprietary course learning object within WorkRamp. Guides can be leveraged in both the Employee Learning Cloud and Customer Learning Cloud.
A hub is the wrapper for an Academy and Community. A hub can only have one Academy and Community. Hubs have shared settings across Academies and Communities such as Admins, Contacts, Registration, Segments, and more.
Internal Domains
Used to designate internal and external domains on the Employee Learning Cloud. Primarily used for security purposes in the scenario where non-domain users are registered. For example, Libraries can be shown only to internal domain users.
Used to designate contacts within a Community. A label is publicly shown next to a Contact's profile.
The end user in the Employee Learning Cloud that takes training. The Learner primarily accesses WorkRamp through the "Leaner View".
Learning Object
The various learning types within WorkRamp. Shared Learning Objects between the Employee and Customer Learning Clouds are Guides, Resources, and SCORM.
The self-serve learning repository in the Employee Learning Cloud. Libraries can house multiple learning objects and folders, in addition to files and links from the CMS.
Magic Link
A one-time link that can be enabled on the Customer Learning Cloud for sign-in. A short-lived magic link can be sent to Contacts to sign in if this is enabled via moving the Password field to be optional.
A user in the Employee Learning Cloud that has visibility into multiple users' progress. A Manager also has access to the My Team dashboard in the Learner view.
The tabs within an Academy that can help you organize learning objects. There are default pages and custom pages that can be added to your Academy view.
A group of multiple Learning Objects. Paths can be assigned and reported on together. Paths exist in both the Employee and Customer Learning clouds, but are set up separately for each.
Permissions can be set on Users and can grant multiple access levels with the Employee Learning Cloud.
A post is a discussion that is started within a forum on a Community.
Prebuilt Content
Prebuilt Content is where you can find off-the-shelf content within the Employee Learning Cloud. Prebuilt content requires a purchase of WorkRamp Content.
Discount codes that can be leveraged with the e-commerce functionality of an Academy.
A Learning Object that represents a single wiki page.
A User who is designated to review and submit feedback on a Challenge.
Rules are leveraged in Groups or Segments to activate dynamic provisioning.
A Learning object that can be imported into WorkRamp. This typically represents a course from a third party or a course authoring tool like Articulate.
Multiple contacts within the Customer Learning Cloud can belong to a Segment. Contacts can be added to a Segment manually or dynamically via rules. Segments are similar to Groups within the Employee Learning Cloud.
Designations within the Employee Learning Cloud. Skills can be bucketed into Categories and can be added to Learning Objects and reported on.
SSO (Single Sign-on)
The ability to leverage a third party like Okta for Authentication. In the Employee Learning Cloud, this is enabled through SAML. In the Customer Learning Cloud, this can be enabled via SAML or OAuth 2.
Attributes that can be added to Learning Objects within the Employee Learning Cloud. Tags are visible on Learning Objects and can be reported on.
The primary user within Employee Learning Cloud. Users are inclusive of profiles like Admins, Editors, and Learners. Users can also manage the Customer Learning Cloud, but do not describe the users who have registered for an Academy or Community (which are designated as Contacts).
WorkRamp Content
Off-the-shelf content provided by WorkRamp. WorkRamp Content can be found either in the Prebuilt Content category, or by contracting with one of WorkRamp's content partners.