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Quick Start Guide for Admins

Employee Learning Cloud - Learn how to get up and running as an Admin

Written by Ted Blosser
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Once you have been provisioned your WorkRamp account, please follow these simple instructions to get up and running.

Step 1: Get familiar with the admin console

There are five key areas to familiarize yourself with on the admin console

  • The top left is your app switcher

  • The top toolbar is where you navigate between primary functionality

  • The top right is how you navigate to your own Learner view

  • The left hand side is your Content Manager to house training content

  • The body is where you create new content

Step 2: Practice creating and assigning your first piece of learning content

Once you have familiarized yourself with the admin console, practice creating your first Learning Object and assigning it to yourself.

Once you have created your content, publish it:

After publishing, assign it to yourself. You will see an email notification and your own name listed on the assignment.

You can also practice reviewing this content as a Learner by navigating to the Learner View in the top right of your admin console:

This is a similar flow to creating and assigning any other Learning Object, such as Paths, Challenges, and SCORM.

Step 3: Create your folder structure

Navigate back to the home screen of your admin console. On the left-hand side, you should start adding your folder structure to house your learning content with the Create New button. Common buckets are either by departments, use cases, or by learning object types. You can also use the search button to browse this content. To move content quickly between folders, you can drag and drop as noted here.

Step 4: Configure your enterprise settings

Click the Settings link in your top toolar. When you navigate there, there will be a handful of enterprise settings to configure. As a quick start, we would recommend reviewing your Enterprise Settings and Email Settings:

  • In the general settings, you can enable things like SSO and language preferences.

  • In the theming section, you can brand your enterprise to match your own look and feel

  • In the email section in email > settings, you can configure the types of emails you would like to distribute.

Step 5: Add your first users and groups

You can add your first users or co-admins manually via the Users tab. These users will get a notification to join WorkRamp with you:

In the future when you are ready for launch, you can bulk add these users via SSO, or you can have our support team bulk import users from a CSV. For a more detailed breakdown, see the this article.

Step 6: Prepare for your official launch

Once you have completed the first steps listed here, you should have a good understanding of how to use WorkRamp. From there, you should start preparing for your official launch. Each launch should be customized by use case, but can include the following:

  • Creating more content

  • Setting up your libraries

  • Connecting your integrations

  • Configuring your users, groups, and permissions

  • Sending out internal communications

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