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The Difference Between Admins, Editors and Managers

Employee Learning Cloud: An overview of the roles available and the associated permissions

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What is an "Admin"?

Admins' role covers responsibilities such as managing the entire subscription itself, granting/removing accesses to different types of users (Editors, Managers, etc.), creating/deleting all the different assets (Guides, Portals, etc.) within Workramp, and so on. Admins also have full access to the Training and Portal portions of the platform. 

Admin Permissions

Admins have visibility into all assets and portals in the platform. Once an admin, you have access to Editor and Manager's permissions combined. Moreover, you have the ability to make changes to the enterprise itself like branding and setting up custom integration. You will have full access to all kinds of reporting for Training and Portal applications. Admins are also in charge of managing other users like updating names, changing up the roles, deactivate users, etc.

Learn more about Admins here
Here is an example of the Admin view dashboard:

What are Folder Permissions?

Folder level permissions allow you to give access to training folders within WorkRamp. Once invited, the users can create, edit, and assign content based on the access granted. This is a great option when you want to invite other users to manage training content, but don't want them to have full access to WorkRamp's Admin features and settings.

Access Levels

  • Full Editor: User will have complete access to the content overview pages and editing experience (formerly named “Editor”)

  • Limited Editor: User will have the same access as Full Editors but can only assign content to those they manage directly

  • Edit: User will full edit capabilities, but no ability to assign content to Learners

  • Assign: User will have full assignment capabilities, but no ability to edit content

  • Read: User will only have the ability to view content previews (no edit or assign abilities)

What is a Manager?

A manager is a manager or mentor for users in the employee learning platform. They only have the ability to grade and review the progress of users they are listed as a manager for. They do not have the ability to create content or assign content to users. A manager is really helpful for fostering mentorship or coaching relationships. 

Manager Permissions

Once added, managers will see the users that they are managing as well as the guides that are assigned to them. From there, managers have the permission to: 

  • Review and provide feedback for submissions and progress of all the users that they mentor/manage

  • Export results of user performance for each of the guides they are assigned to

  • Remind users to complete training

A manager does not have access to edit or add trainings, modify the enterprise (ie assigning other admins, adjusting corporate logos; and branding), reset passwords, or manage users.
Here is an example of the My Team manager dashboard: 

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