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The Trash: Deleting and Recovering Learning Objects

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about our Trash function

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

There are two ways to delete an object (guide, path, library, event, etc). 

We are going to use a guide as an example here. You can delete an object in the sidebar guide quick selection by hovering over the guide and selecting the X option. The second option is to use the dropdown menu on the guide overview and select “Delete this guide”. After making this selection, you will have to confirm that you want to delete the guide.

A Note on Deleting Folders:

 If you delete a folder, all the items will delete from that folder. 

A Note on Deleting Objects with Dependencies

If you are deleting a guide that is in a path, the guide will delete it from the path as well. If you are deleting a guide or path from a library, the guide or path will no longer be available in that library. 

Viewing Deleted Items

At the bottom left of your screen on the training admin tab, there is a folder for "Trash." The trash folder holds all of the tasks, sections, guides, series, libraries, classes, and anything else in case you need to recover these objects. Your Trash Bin holds the most recent 200 deleted items.

As you can see, the columns will tell you what was deleted, where it lived in the active content, and when it was deleted. On the far right, there are options in the downward facing triangle to either restore or permanently delete the object.  

 Restoring Deleted Items

In order to recover deleted items, use the downward-facing arrow to the right of the content you want to restore and select "Restore". Then, select the folder you'd like to restore it to. Once you restore it, all of the user data associated with that object will also be restored. See the gif below:

Note: If you are restoring a Section or Task, you will need to select the Guide to restore the content to.

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