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How to Complete Challenges

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about Challenges and how to complete them

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What are Challenges?

Challenges is a certification learning module where you can submit videos, text or even a live performance to be graded by your teammates and/or managers using a scorecard. The scorecard will give you direct feedback to what qualifies as a good or bad performance and will help you understand your strengths and weaknesses better. You can re-try your attempt as many times as you like until you hit submit your Challenge.

How to Submit Challenges

If you've been assigned a Challenge it will be made available to you through your Learner's dashboard. Click on the card and you'll see the prompt which gives you directions on the scenarios of what the reviewer is looking for. The submit button will turn green when your work has been successfully uploaded to the system.
Note: If you are looking to redo your Challenge and you have already submitted it, please reach out to your Admin to unsubmit for you.  

Different Types of Challenges

There are 5 types of Challenges:

  • Video: For a regular video Challenge, the recorder will appear natively in the screen. Record your video and it will save directly into WorkRamp. Once it is saved, review the video and submit the Challenge. 

  • Zoom Video: For a Zoom Video Challenge, you will be prompted to open the Zoom app. Please have this already downloaded to your computer. When Zoom opens, the recording will begin automatically. Feel free to share your screen or invite other users to your session. When you end the meeting, the video will start processing and save directly in WorkRamp. Once the video has completed processing, a preview window will appear for you to review the recording. You can select to submit your video before it has completed processing.
    For more information on recording with Zoom, please see our article

  • Written: For written responses, please type your response to the prompt. When you've finished click the [Submit] button. 

  • In Person Challenge: You can submit these types of Challenges once you've met with your reviewer or when you are just about to meet with your reviewer.

  • File Upload: For this Challenge type, you will need to upload a file from your computer to submit the assignment. To see the files accepted, see our help article here.

Why is my Submit button grayed out?

After completing your submission, if you are seeing the Submit button is grayed out, check the scorecard on the right to see if there is an [Add Reviewers] button. If so, no Reviewers are designated for your assignment. In order to proceed, you will need to enter the email address of the Reviewer for your assignment. If unsure who the Reviewer should be, please reach out to your manager or internal training admin.

How can I re-submit my Challenge assignment?

When a Challenge assignment has been submitted, you won't be able to upload a new submission, however an Admin can un-submit it for you. Once your Challenge assignment has been marked as not submitted, navigate back to the Challenge and you will see options to re-record or re-upload your submission.


Q: I'm trying to upload a video but nothing pops up for me to select the file.

A: Your browser may need to be updated to the latest version. You can update it to the latest version by going to your browser settings.

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