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Import, Copy, Rename and Delete Sections or Tasks

Employee Learning Cloud: Re-use content with powerful import and copy features

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Use the icons to the right of Task and Section titles to Import, Copy, Rename and Delete Sections or Tasks. This is ideal if you want to use Sections/Tasks as templates for other guides.

Import Sections or Tasks

Use this feature to grab content that lives in other Guides and import it into the Guide you're working on. This is great if you want to use one Guide as a template for others.ย 

Copy Sections or Tasks

This will allow you to copy all of the content from the Sections or Tasks in a certain guide. You'll be able to copy Sections or Tasks to the Guide you're working in or into another Guide.ย 

Rename Sections or Tasks

By clicking this icon, you'll change the name of the Section or Task.

Delete Sections or Tasks

By clicking this icon, you'll delete the Section or Task.

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