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September 2018
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Written by Support
Updated over 5 years ago

New User Home Page

We are excited to announce that we are launching a new User Home Page. Our new layout will help you focus on learning and streamline navigating with our new side bar.

New Learner Home: We've made it easier to find the training or content you're looking for with a new centralized search bar located at the top of your assignments, and separating out your completed trainings into the "completed" section. 

New Side Bar: In our new sidebar, customize your profile photo, check out our new help site on the top right and stay up to date on any new training notifications from your reviewers. 

New Admin Navigation

You'll notice a major change is that we've removed the left side toolbar. We've made the Admin navigation simpler by consolidating everything to a single toolbar at the top of the page.

  • Now, all of your training content is in the Content tab 

  • You can switch to the learner's view by clicking "Learner Home" on the far right. 

  • We've re-launched our new help pages which can be accessed via the cog on the top right.

  • All of your settings for images, groups, certifications etc is now located in the Settings tab

Take a look at the .gif below for a quick walk through. 

Version History on Text Blocks

Changed your mind? Have you ever wanted to go back and restore the thing you wrote last week? Our new version history feature allows you to restore historical versions of text boxes. Use the new icon we have in the text block to restore older versions of text. See the .gif below!

If the text block is....

  • Older than a minute, a version is stored every 5 minutes 

  • Older than an hour, a version is stored once per hour

  • Older than a day, a version is stored daily.

Clear All Notifications

To clear all of your notifications at once, click on the bell icons you see throughout WorkRamp and "Mark All as Read"

Mark as Complete for Paths

To mark users as "Complete" for all of the Guides in the Path that has been assigned to them, we've added a drop down option to "Mark as Complete" to force their completion to 100%

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