When uploading videos, audio, images and documents, these are the file types that WorkRamp Supports.
Please note the maximum file size for an uploaded file is 5GB.
.mpg | .mpeg | .avi | .flv | .mp4 | .wmv | .mov (limited)
.mp3 | .wav | .aac | .ogg | .m4a
.jpg | .jpeg | .png | .gif
Documents (Available for Preview)
While you are able to upload or add any file type to your guide or resource, the only files that we will able to preview for you have the following formats:
.doc | .ppt | .xls | .pdf | .docx | .pptx | .xlsx
Q: I'm trying to upload a video but nothing pops up for me to select the file.
A: Your browser may need to be updated to the latest version. You can update it to the latest version by going to your browser settings.