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Editing Challenges After They Are Assigned

Employee Learning Cloud: What can you edit in challenges once they are assigned to people?

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

After you've launched a Challenge, a common scenario is that you want to make small edits to that Challenge. It may be a wording change, clarification, or additional resources you want to add.ย 

The main question is--what can you edit after a Challenge is assigned? Once a Challenge is live, it's important to make sure that changes made are minimal and safe. We've created a handy guide of what you can and can't do after a Challenge is live:

Changes you CAN make after a Challenge is assigned:

  • Editing text in the Title, Description, Instructions, and anything in Advanced Settings:

  • Re-arranging Scorecard questions, editing text, or changing point totals:

Changes you can NOT make after a Challenge is assigned:

You can not change the type of Challenge:

You can not delete or add questions to scorecards:

If you need to make any changes like the ones listed above, we recommend that you Copy the Challenge and make edits on the fresh copy:

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