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How To Archive An Assignment

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn why archiving is useful and how to archive a specific assignment

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Why Archive An Assignment?

When you archive an assignment it removes appointed Learners from the main assignment screen. This can help provide a clear view of who all is responsible for completing a specific training. The more Learners that are assigned to a training the more difficult it can become to track the progress of your Learners. 

Pro Tip: It is best practice and good housekeeping to archive an assignment for Learners once they have completed their assignment. 

How To Archive An Assignment

To archive an assignment, simply: 

  1. Choose the correct content you'd like to clean up

  2. Select the appropriate Learner or Leaners

  3. Click Actions

  4. Select Archive from the drop-down list

Alternatively, you can also archive an assignment by clicking the down arrow to the right of the Learner and selecting Archive.

Archived Learners

To check to see what Learners have been archived under a specific Guide, select Add Filter > Archived  

Once an assignment has been archived for a Learner, it will not be visible under the In Progress or Completed, instead, it will be under the Archived tab of the Learner home page.  If the user searches for the Training using the search bar, they will be able to find and access the training assignment.

How To Unarchive An Assignment

To unarchive an Assignment: 

  1. Choose the correct Training

  2. Make sure you are viewing the Archived Learners by using the Filter option

  3. Select the appropriate Learner or Leaners to unarchive

  4. Click Unarchive under Assignments

Note: Alternatively, you can also unarchive an assignment by clicking the down arrow to the right of the Learner and selecting Unarchive. 

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