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How To Create A Badge and Certificate

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about badges and how to create them

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What are Badges?
Badges are custom digital badges that can be awarded when someone completes a Guide or a Challenge. Badges can be awarded on simple completion, or when a Learner gets a passing score. Badges can also be visible on the Learner Home page, so that the Learner can see how many Badges she has received.

Badges also can have Certificates attached to them. Certificates are downloadable PDFs that a Learner can print for proof of completion. These Certificates will also be emailed to Learners once they've achieved a Badge.

Creating a Badge

Navigate to your Badge tab in the administrator console under [Settings] > "Badges."

Click on [+New Badge] to add the title and choose a default or custom badge.

If creating a custom badge, we recommend a square image, regardless of actual size, with some amount of free space on all sides around the logo since the system will automatically display the Badge as a circle. Currently, it downloads as an image sized 273 × 274.

Optional: If you would like your badge to include a certification, check "Include Certificate", and fill in the following information:

Note: You have the option to customize your certifications by adding in your company's logo.

Add A Customized Certificate

If your organization already has existing certificates, great! We can add them to your account for you. Message with your request, and attach a blank PDF copy of the certificate with only the custom background. The Certificate currently downloads as a PDF sized 1650 × 1275.

Note: Once your requested certificate has been uploaded, it will be available under Settings >> Badges. Additionally, your certification will appear as a template option on the New Certification form shown above.

For steps to Assign a Badge and Certification to your Guide, please see our article

For steps to Assign a Badge and Certification to your Path, please see our article here.

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