Digest Information
The type of information you can expect to receive in your daily / weekly digests are:
Guides in progress
Guides due in the last 7 days
List of users and their progress
Option to send reminders to users
Enabling the Digest Email at the Enterprise level
In the Admin console, under Settings > Email, you will see the daily digest option under both the Admin Email Settings and Manager Email Settings.
Note: Managers will only receive the digest emails if they have action items to complete.
Enabling within the Settings of your Admin console will apply to all Admins and/or Managers. They will not be able to unsubscribe from their Profile settings. If the box is unchecked, admins can individually opt in or out of digest emails from Profile > Account Settings.
Here is an example of a Weekly Digest Email for Admins:
Here is an example of a Weekly Digest Email for Managers:
Enabling Digest Emails for Your Personal Account
If the digest emails are enabled at the General Setting level, you have the option to enable or disable them for your personal accounnt. To do this, click on the gear icon on the top right, select Profile > Settings:
If the digest is not enabled at the Enterprise level, you will see that the checkbox is grayed out and unavailable for you to enable.
Digest emails usually go out at 1pm UTC.