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Editing After Content Has Been Assigned

Employee Learning Cloud: Important things to know after you've assigned an item

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

After you've assigned a Guide to Learners, Learners will not see the changes unless you have published the changes. Read more about our Draft and Publish states feature here.

If the Learner has already completed the Guide and published edits have been made, their progress and grade will remain the same unless the Learner goes back into their Completed assignment and retakes any questions.

To help you decide when you should edit an existing item or start a new copy of it, you should ask these two questions:

​Are these changes minor changes? For example, am I updating just text or content for the latest materials?
If the answer to this is Yes, then you should continue editing the same item and make the changes directly.

Are these changes major changes? For example, am I adding additional items to a Path?

If the answer to this is Yes, then you should create a new copy of the Path, make the changes, and then use it for assignments moving forward. You can rename this new copy as "V2" or store it in a subfolder called "V2".

What type of changes can impact progress or reporting?

Adding or making the following changes would impact progress / reporting:

  • New Tasks

  • New Sections

  • Adding or removing quiz questions

Adding or making the following changes would not impact progress / reporting:

  • Adding text boxes, videos, etc. (ie. all the items from the Add Content section)

  • Editing the text for an existing content piece

  • Editing or changing the titles of Sections and Tasks

In summary, anything in the Add Content area to an existing page would be fair game to add to a Guide without any impact to reporting. Adding anything from the Add Questions area would have an impact. What is locked and preserved, however, is the completion status. If a Learner completes a Guide and later on that Guide is updated with new quiz questions or sections/tasks, their completion status would remain "complete" however in the Report Builder, you may see the Completion Percent be lower than 100%, to account for the new Sections or Tasks.

Exporting CSV Report vs Exporting Guide Report in Report Builder:

  • Exporting a CSV report from the Guide overview page, the learner's completion will remain at 100%

  • Exporting from the Report Builder, the number of completed tasks and test questions will differ if questions and/or tasks have been added or removed since the learner's completion.

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