Advanced Search
We've rolled out a brand new advanced search page for Learners. With our revamped search engine, Learners can now filter by fields like recency, type, and tags, in addition to searching through all of your Universities as well.
More about the Advanced Search feature can be found in our article.
For Chrome users, we now have a WorkRamp Chrome Extension
The WorkRamp Chrome Extension will enable Learners to filter through content and find helpful information in a flash.
To read more about the Chrome Extension, please see our article.
As an admin, you can now see all the places your training objects appear. For example, you can see all the Paths and Universities that a specific Guide belongs to. Coupled with our Catalog Export, you now have more content management features at your disposal!
Read more about this feature in our article.
Community Resources
We did a great interview with Petek Hawkins, who helped build the sales enablement playbook at Zoom, and is now leading enablement at Fivetran. Visit our new blog and take a listen to Petek talk about her career path into sales enablement leadership!
Feel free to share these updates with your broader team and let us know if you have any feedback or questions!