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Content Ratings

Employee Learning Cloud: Overview of content ratings and how to report on them

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

After a Learner has completed their Guide, they will be prompted with a pop-up window to rate the content. 

Each content can be rated between 0 and 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best rating.
If the Learner does not want to rate the content, they can select [Cancel] to close the content ratings window.

This feature can help you as an administrator understand which Guides are received well by your Learners and which Guides may need editing. 

How can I report on Content Ratings

Content Ratings can be reported under New Reporting, with Guide and User reports. 

Guide Reports

When setting up an All guides report, the Filter for "Average Rating" and "Number of Ratings" becomes available. 

You also have the option to add the "Rating Avg" column to see the average rating for a particular Guide. 

When selecting the Guide Sub Report type "All users assigned to a guide," under the Filter > User section, "Guide Rating" becomes available.

User Reports 

When setting up a User report, and selecting the Sub Report type "All users assigned to a guide," there is a Filter under the User section for "Guide Rating" that becomes available. 

You also have the option to add "User's Guide Rating" as a column for your report. 

Note: At this time, the Content Ratings feature cannot be disabled. 

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