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Managing Academy Segments

Customer Learning Cloud: How to create customized experiences for your customers by using Segments

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Written by Support
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Segments allows you to use Academy registration fields to dynamically group learners. With each Segment, you can manage the amount of access the group will have to your content. This ensures that the Segmented customers only see content that is relevant to what they need.

Tip: Under Settings > General, we recommend enabling "Require authorization to view" for your Academy. This will require customers to register and fill out the registration fields which will help dynamically place them into your Segments.

Setting up Segments

In your Academy Hub, click on Contacts in the top navigation, and select Segments.

Click [Add Segment] and enter a name for your Segment in the pop-up window.

Under the Contacts tab, you can designate specific users to be in this Segment using the [Manually add contacts] button.

Using the Rules tab, you can creates rules using your Academy Registration fields to dynamically add users to your Segment. Rules can be set up with AND or OR conjunctions, but not a mix of both.

Here is an example of creating a Rule for the users with the domain "".

Note: When creating an Email Address rule for a specific domain, please enter the domain without the @ symbol.

Example: use "" instead of ""

Using Segments to manage Page visibility

Now that you've successfully set up your Segments, you can use them to manage visibility of your Pages. On the settings page for specific pieces of content, you can set it to be visible to selected Segments. You can do this for the following Page types:

  • Trainings

  • Paths

  • Certifications

  • Events

The Page visibility options consist of:

  • Visible to all users: Any Contact that is logged into the Academy can see the page.

  • Visible to specific segments: Only the segments selected can see the page.

  • Exclude specific segments: The segments selected can NOT see the page.

Page visibility options can be selected for Certifications and Events on the Settings page.


To enroll users to your Academy courses, you can learn more here.


Q: What happens if I delete a registration field that assigns the user to a segment?

A: If you delete a registration field, users who had this field filled out will also remove them from their segments.

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