Contacts are the external users of your Academy. You can manage and invite new contacts in this console. Navigate to Contacts in the top level navigation of your Academy Hub.
Managing Contacts
Using the down arrow beside the user's row, you can:
Edit user attributes
Send a Password Reset Email to the user
Deactivate the user
Delete the user
Edit User Attributes
With the Edit User Attributes option, you can edit a user's name, email address or any of their additional registration fields.
Deactivating and Deleting Users
On the user management page, you also have the option to deactivate and delete users.
Deactivating the user will preserve their data on the backend and provide you with the choice of reactivating their user profile at a later time.
Deleting the user, however, will permanently delete the user's data and completion history. It will also disallow you from adding that email address as a user in the future.
Invitations Management
You can now send and manage invitations to your Academy. Start by clicking on "Invitations" above the user table.
Using the [+Invite Contact] button, you can send invitations to new users to join your Academy.
Using the user menu beside each invited user's row, you can choose to resend or delete the invitation.