Closed captioning is now available for the Upload Video object in Guides. Viewing videos with captions is a fantastic way to improve the user experience and make videos viewable in different environments.
Start by adding an Upload Video object to your Guide.
You will see the "Add Caption" option below the video. You can either upload the video file first or the caption file.
When adding the Caption file, use the upload link on the pop-up window to select your file. Currently, we only support .vtt files.
In the Language section, select the Language your captions are in. The Label field will reflect the Language field by default but you can manually adjust it if preferred. The Label field is what Learners will see when selecting the Language.
Note: Multiple caption files can be uploaded for the same language. An example of this would be if you have one which is just the audio and the other as audio + descriptive text and select [Save]
You will see all Captions that have been set up listed below the video. To edit an existing Caption, use the pencil icon beside the Label. This edit option will allow you to update the caption file, Language, or Label. If you need to make adjustments to the Caption file, you will need to do that in the Caption file itself.
To delete the Caption, use the (x) icon.
What file types can I use for Closed Captioning?
Web Video Text Tracks Format (WebVTT) also known as .vtt
Can I use a .srt file?
At this time, our Sideloading Captions feature is only compatible with .vtt files. If you have a .srt file, you can check to see if your authoring tool allows you to save the file as a .vtt file or use an online converter to convert the caption file.
What languages are supported?
We cover 150+ languages. If you do not see your language listed under the Languages drop-down list, you can submit a request to our Support team.
Can I create VTT caption files in WorkRamp?
No, there are softwares available to create captioning files.
A few examples are:& many others