For more details about our Salesforce Integration for our Academy, please see our help article.
You can set up Academy registrants to be automatically created as Leads in a connected Salesforce instance. To enable this, toggle on the 'Create New User Records as Leads' option on the Integrations page of your Academy.
Once the "Create New User Records as Leads" feature is enabled, the new Lead records will be generated the next time the Salesforce sync runs. Lead records will only be created for users who register for the Academy AND start a course.
If the latest version of this Salesforce package has not been installed in their Salesforce Org, the Lead creation functionality will not work
If you installed the Salesforce package prior to 10/19/2021, you will need to update to the latest version of our Salesforce package to use this feature. You can install the newest version by using the [Install Salesforce Package] button.
I see an error message underneath the “Create New User Records as Leads” toggle, what should I do?
Address the error message’s instructions
Re-toggle the setting in the WorkRamp
If you continue to see an error message, reach out to WorkRamp Support (
Will the sync include user registration data from before we enabled “Create New User Records as Leads”?
Yes, it includes past registration records that have already been synced to your Salesforce instance.
What “Company” does WorkRamp use when creating the new Lead record in Salesforce?
If your Academy has a “Company” registration field and the user has submitted a value for this field, we will use this value when creating the Lead record. Note: The “API Name” for this registration field MUST be 'company'.
If your Academy does not have a “Company” registration field or the user has not submitted a value for the field, we will create the Lead record with a “Company” field value of “Not Available.”
A customer has enabled the “Create New User Records as Leads” setting. Does enabling the setting immediately create new Lead records?
No - new Lead records will be generated the next time that WorkRamp syncs registration data from their Academy to their SFDC Org
This happens when either:
Our nightly Academies SFDC sync runs
The customer clicks the “Sync Now” button in the “Salesforce Sync” section of the Admin → Academies → Integrations page
On the next sync of registration data, new Lead records will be created for all Academy registration records that do not already have an associated Lead or Contact record. This includes past registration records that have already been synced to the customer’s Salesforce org.
Will a Lead record get created if a user registers for the customer’s academy but has not started any trainings?
No - Since our Academies SFDC sync only syncs registrations for trainings, a user would need to register for the academy AND register for a training before we would be able to generate a new Lead record for them in the customer’s SFDC Org
What “Company” does WorkRamp use when creating the new Lead record in the customer’s SFDC org?
Company is a required field for Lead records in SFDC.
If the Academy does not have a “Company” registration field or the Learner has not submitted a value for this field, we will create the Lead record with a “Company” field value of “Not Available”
A Lead record generated by the “Auto Create New Leads” functionality has been converted to a Contact. When will the WorkRamp Registrations/Certifications custom object reflect this?
This will be reflected the next time that Registrations/Certifications are synced from the Academy to the customer’s SFDC Org
After having this feature enabled, I disabled the “Auto Create New Leads”. What will happen when they next sync to Salesforce?
When they next sync to Salesforce, we will respect the disabled setting and no new Lead records will be generated for registrants who we cannot find an associated Lead or Contact record for.
Leads previously created through the Lead creation functionality when it was enabled will NOT be affected (i.e we won’t delete those Lead records, they’ll continue to exist)
If a certain Academy registrant was not created as a Lead during the last SFDC sync. What should I do?
Start with the “Sync Reports” export that we provide when an Admin clicks on the “Download Last Sync Report” button on the Admin → Academies → Integrations page.
Check the “Successful Registrations” and “Failed Registrations” CSVs - if the registrant does not appear in the “Successful Registrations” CSV and appears in the “Failed Registrations” CSV, then we would not have been able to generate a Lead record for them.
If the registrant does appear in the “Successful Registrations” CSV, then the customer should check the “Successful Leads” and “Failed Leads” CSVs. If the Lead could not be created, there should be a row for them in the “Failed Leads” CSV indicating why we could not create the Lead record.
What format does the “Successful Lead Report” display data in?
The “Successful Lead Report” displays data in rows with 3 columns:
Proposed_Leads - A dump of all of the Lead records that our sync attempted to create during the last sync
Note: This may include Leads that failed to be created - we include all the Leads that we attempted to create mostly due to technical limitations
Leads_Creation_Date - The date that our sync attempted to create these Leads
Number_of_Leads_Created - The number of Leads that were successfully created during the last sync
Note: Each row will contain up to 200 “Proposed Leads” in the Proposed_Leads column.
What format does the “Failed Leads Report” display data in?
The “Failed Leads Report” displays data in rows with 3 columns:
Proposed_Lead - A record of all of the Lead records that our sync attempted to create during the last sync
Note: This may include Leads that were successfully created due to SFDC limitations.
Error_message - The error that Salesforce attributed not being able to create the Lead to
Error_date - The date of the failure to create the Lead