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How to Convert Report Date/Times

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to convert UTC times and dates to your local time zone

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

For all WorkRamp reports, dates and times are list in the UTC time zone. If looking to see the report data in your local time zone, you will need to:

  1. Search online to determine what the time difference (in hours) is between UTC and the desired timezone.

    1. Note: Daylight/Standard time matters as this impacts the time difference.

    2. Example: If you want to convert from UTC to EDT, a Google search reveals UTC is 4 hours ahead of EDT (Eastern Daylight Time).

  2. In your report, insert a column next to your Date column. This will be the column you convert the Date and Time in using the following formula:
    ​[cell with UTC date/time] - [time difference]/24
    ​Since UTC is ahead of all other timezones we use subtraction.

    1. Using EDT as an example, the formula we will use is: =E2-4/24

  3. Copy and paste the formula down the entire column to convert all the Times and Dates.


  • In some applications, such as Excel, the default is showing hours in 24 Hour Time (not 12 hour). You can update to 12 hour by selecting the column, go to Number Format, select Custom and paste in m/d/yy h:mm AM/PM into the input box.

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