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Advanced Filters for Automations and Dynamic Groups

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to utilize the advanced filter options

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

To provide Admins with the ability target a specific subsets of Learners, we have updated the Advanced Filters options within both Automations & Dynamic Groups. These Advanced Filters provide full filtering ability on all User Attributes & any Custom Attributes created at the account level.

Filterable Attributes

User Attributes:

  • Name: filter for user(s) with a particular name

  • Email: filter for user(s) with a particular email address

  • Group: filter based on Group value

  • Is Manager: filter based on whether a user is a Manager or not (True/False value)

  • Manager: filter for users with a particular Manager

  • Created At: filter based on when users were created in WorkRamp (date value)

Custom Attributes will be based on the attributes created within your account.

How to Use Advanced Filters

When filtering within either Automations or Dynamic Groups there are Filter Rules and Filter Groups available. The two of these allow flexibility when creating filters, such as the ability to nest logic with Filter Groups.

Filter Rule

A Filter Rule is the standard type of filter, where only a single attribute can be filtered within at any given time.

Filter Group

A Filter Group is used to link multiple filters together. This would also be used to create nesting logic. Here is an example:

You can start Advanced Filters at the Filter Group level, where multiple boolean logic is being handled at once:


  • How many levels of nesting is possible within the Advanced Filters?

    • Currently, it is possible to nest up to three levels - or two Filter Groups (one inside the other)

  • Will Advanced Filters be available for other parts of the platform?

    • The Advanced Filters are currently only available within Automations & Dynamic Groups. In the long term it is in consideration to bring the full power of the filters to other aspects, such as assigning content

  • Is there a maximum number of Filters I can use?

    • As of 8/2022, the maximum is 50 filters.

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