All learners can update their full name, preferred name, pronouns, role, and About Me section. Below is how to update these on your profile.
Getting to Your Profile
Start from the Learner home page
There are two ways to get to your profile. (1) Click on your avatar image in the top-right navigation, and click "Profile" from the sub-menu. (2) Or you can click on your avatar and name section in the left-side navigation.
How to Edit Your Profile
When you are on your profile, you can edit the following:
Full name
Preferred name
About Me
To update your avatar, click on the user avatar. In the upload pop-up window, select the image you would like to upload as your profile picture.
To update the other fields, click on the field, update with your text, and press 'Enter'. The field will automatically be saved and updated.
How to Change Your Password
On your Profile page, click on the Settings button.
Scroll down to the Change Password section and enter in your current password and the new password you want to set up:
Make sure to hit Submit to save your changes.
Note: The minimum character count must be at least 8 characters and must contain 1 upper case letter, 1 lower case letter, and 1 number.