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Setting Up Ask a Teammate

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to allow learners to ask questions on Guides

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

The new Ask a Teammate feature allows learners to send messages and ask questions to designated points of contact while they are completing their guide. We built this to help learners direct questions or feedback about their content to the right person(s), without having to leave WorkRamp.

How do I enable Ask a Teammate?

Any guide editor can enable Ask a Teammate on a guide by clicking “add contacts for learner questions” under the Guide Settings.

Up to three points of contact can be added to a guide. Any user in the enterprise can be designated as a point of contact. You can also select a dynamic role, including Learner’s Manager and Course Assigner, which will automatically identify the point of contact based on their role instead of tying to a specific user.

Please note that if there is no specific user tied to the dynamic role (e.g. if the course is automatically assigned via an automation; if the learner does not have an assigned manager), the Ask a Teammate feature will not be available to the learner on the guide.

Further below, we will show how points of contact receive messages from the learner.

How do learners send messages?

If Ask a Teammate is enabled on the guide (with at least one point of contact designated), learners will be able to send messages by hovering their mouse over any content block. You can simulate this experience through the preview experience.

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How do points of contact receive and respond to messages?

Messages are sent to the points of contact via email. This email is sent to all points of contact on the guide, and will include the guide name > task name, learner message, and a link to open up the guide and see exactly where the learner sent their message from.

To respond to the learner, any point of contact can reply-all to the email and kick off a discussion thread with the learner and other points of contact.

What types of content is Ask a Teammate available for?

Today, Ask a Teammate is only available for Internal Guides. We plan to extend this functionality over to SCORM files, Resources, and Challenges in the future, as well as our Academies product. Stay tuned!

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