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Zoom Integration for Academy Events

Customer Learning Cloud: Learn how to integrate your company's Zoom account with your Academy Events

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

This feature requires an Academies subscription. If you're interested in Academies, please contact your sales representative or email

Zoom is a remote conferencing services company that combines video conferencing, online meetings, chat, and mobile collaboration. The WorkRamp / Zoom integration allows admins to add Zoom links directly to Event sessions hosted in WorkRamp.

Note: This integration only works with Zoom Meetings, not Zoom Webinars.

If looking to set up this integration for the internal platform, please see this help article.

Setting up the Zoom Integration

In order to set up this integration for your Customer LMS, your company will need an existing Zoom account. Please have an admin on your company's Zoom account, pre-approve the WorkRamp app on the Zoom marketplace: .

Once the app is pre-approved, any user can link their Zoom account to WorkRamp to use for Events.

Once this integration has been set up, Event session links will be generated from your company's account and the event recordings will be housed in your company's Zoom platform.

Start under the Integrations tab in your Settings. Click on the Zoom tile to go into the integration settings page where you will see a button to "Add Account."

You will then be directed to the log-in screen for Zoom.

Once logged in and your account is verified, you will be redirected back to WorkRamp. Your account information will appear in the Zoom integration section to confirm that this setup is complete.

If needing to add a non-Admin's profile to the Zoom integration, you can temporarily provide them with Admin access to set up the integration. Once set up, you can remove their Admin access and their profile will remain in the Zoom integration settings.

Please note that the Zoom integration will use the selected account's default Zoom settings. If any changes need to be made to the default meeting settings, the Zoom account user can log into their Zoom account and make the needed changes.

Adding Zoom links to Event Sessions on the Academies Platform

To learn how to create an Academies event, see our article here.

To use Zoom for a Live Event session, create a new Live Session, click Create Zoom Room, and select the desired Zoom account to be used. The Zoom Integration will automatically generate a meeting room URL for the session.

Uninstalling the Zoom Integration

  • Click on the [Settings] option on the top menu

  • Go to the Integrations tab

  • Click on the trash icon beside your Zoom account that is linked

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