Azure SAML Configuration
1. From Azure Active Directory, click on “Enterprise Applications”:
2. Click on “New application”
3. Click on “Non-gallery application”
4. Type in “WorkRamp” as the name and click on the “Add” button at the bottom
5. From the next page click on “Set up single sign on”
6. Select “SAML”
7. Click on the edit icon under “Basic SAML Configuration”
8. Enter in the following information and click the “Save” button:
Identifier: [Academy URL]/saml/metadata
Reply URL: [Academy URL]/saml/consume
9. From the same page as in step 7 above, scroll down to the “SAML Signing Certificate” and “Set up WorkRamp” sections. For the certificate, click on “Download” next to “Certificate (Base64)”. Open the corresponding downloaded file in a text editor and copy the text. We’ll need to these values in your settings in WorkRamp (documented in the next step).
10. In WorkRamp, navigate to the Academy Registration Settings page and check the 'Allow Registration via SSO' option.
Fill out the Single Sign-On URL, Identity Provider Issuer (Entity ID), and Certificate values that we got from Step 9.
11. SAML should now be set up and you can test by going to your Academy login page.