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Synced SCORM Progress Across Paths

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to setup a SCORM module to be automatically marked as completed across multiple Paths

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Do you have some SCORM trainings that are a part of multiple Paths? If so, you have likely received questions from Learners on whether they would be expected to complete those same SCORM training multiple times, one across each Path it is a part of.

While in some cases you may want them to complete the SCORM trainings multiple times, we have now introduced a new setting to allow a SCORM training to be marked as completed across all Paths after being completed one time.

To enable this for a SCORM training, navigate to the SCORM editing page, click on Settings:

In the pop-up window, check the box for 'Sync completion across Paths.'

Note: this will only apply to SCORM assignments moving forward and is not retroactive.

For compliance trainings or trainings that you would like users to complete again on a cadence, we recommend disabling this setting.


  • Is this setting enabled by default for all SCORM trainings?

    • This setting is enabled by default for all SCORM trainings created after 2/14/2023. For trainings that were created on or prior to 2/14/2023, the setting was not enabled, but you can manually enable it.

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