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AI Assist

Employee Learning Cloud: Guide content creation made easy with Artificial Intelligence

Daphne (WorkRamp Support) avatar
Written by Daphne (WorkRamp Support)
Updated over a week ago

AI features in WorkRamp Guides are aimed to help cut down time spent building content. There are several ways that WorkRamp Guides leverage AI. See the sections below to learn more about each feature:

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AI Assist to create a draft Guide

📣 This feature is currently still in Beta. We will continue to monitor usage and feedback on results to optimize in future releases.

When creating a new Guide, selecting the "Create From File" option will open a new modal where an Admin can upload a .pptx, .pdf, or .docx file to create a draft Guide.

Once a Name is adde and a File is attached, click "Create" to begin generating the draft Guide.

Admins can preview the content as it is being generated. There will be an indicator while the guide is being generated. Clicking "Cancel" will cancel the Guide generation.

Once the Guide is finished generating, Admins can click "Edit" to be taken to the Guide Editor.

Admins can make any necessary changes to the content prior to Publishing as usual. Note that AI Assist will generate various content blocks such as Text, Callouts, Multiple Choice questions, and more. It can also pull in images from the source content.

AI Assist in the Guide Editor

The AI Assist functionality lives within the Guide Editor and provides content creators two ways to interact with content, both for new and existing text:

AI Assist content block: New content block which allows for full dialog between the content creator and AI to create content from scratch, brainstorm on ideas, etc. When the content creator is satisfied with the results, they can ‘accept’ and the block will turn into a text block with the accepted content.

Presets within existing text blocks: Content creators have the ability to utilize presets within an existing text block to quickly summarize, simplify, improve writing, or change the tone of text. Utilizing these presets will run across all contents of the text block, whether text, images, tables, and more.

AI Assist within the Text Block is available within both Guides & Resources

Creating New Content via AI Assist Content Block

The new AI Assist content block allows for full open prompting with the AI to create content, such as a brainstorm on ideas or creating an outline of a particular topic. To utilize the AI Assist block, drag the block to the location within the Task you would like to include content. Once placed in the Task, the Draft with AI options will appear, providing you with quick selection options, or you can simply type in the tool to ask anything you’d like.

Once you submit a prompt to AI Assist, it will respond back. At this point, you can either accept the response, discard it, or ask AI to try again. Accepting the response will output the text within a new text block.

Editing Existing Content via the Text Block

AI Assist can be accessed from banner of the text object once you have input text to be altered. It is best to input your full text and then ask AI Assist to help with one of the preset functionalities to alter the text for you.

Once a content creator selects a preset, AI Assist will respond with it's own version of the input text, at which point the user has the ability to discard (return to original input), try again, or accept (which replaces the original text with the AI Assist generated response).

How to Write Prompts for AI Assist

A prompt is an instruction or discussion topic a user provides for the AI model to respond to. Users can use the prompt to generate ideas, edit drafts, or ask for summaries of key points of text.

To start conversing with AI Assist you will want to write a prompt to start the conversation, at which point the AI will respond based on your prompt.

Example Prompts

  1. "Write an introduction about [topic]"

  2. "Create a summary about the following text" (inputting text below)

  3. "Help me improve the writing on my notes to sound more professional" (inputting text below)

  4. "I need help brainstorming ideas related to Leadership & Management best practices. What tips would you give to first time managers?"

AI for Guide Metadata

There are three types of metadata that leverage AI to generate suggestions:

  1. Guide Descriptions

  2. Section Titles

  3. Task Titles

All of these suggestions are opt-in, meaning that Admins will be presented with a suggestion when they go to edit the field. To overwrite a suggestion, simply delete the highlighted text and replace it with your own words.

A suggestion will only be present if there is enough text content in the guide, and there is no existing description, or if there have been significant changes to the Guide / Section or Task that warrants a new suggestion.

AI for Video Captions

For the Upload Video content block, you now have the ability to use AI to generate captions for that video.

Click "Add caption" to get started:

Then select the language that the video is spoken in (English is the default), and choose "Auto-generate from video":

After clicking "Add" to close the modal, refresh your page and press play on the video to see the captions appear. You may need to wait a few moments for it to load.

Optionally, Admins can also Enable transcripts, which display your captions (AI generated or uploaded) as a transcript, for an alternative way for your Learners to follow along with video training. Currently, only transcriptions in the language the video is spoken in is supported.


Videos who have an extracted audio file that is larger than 25mb will not work for the auto-generated captions. This file size is dependent on how much voice audio is in the video. If you need to use the auto-generated caption feature, please consider breaking up your video into smaller parts.

AI for Images

AI Generated Image Content blocks

Drag and drop and image content block to get started. You now will see an option in addition to uploading an image, to generate one using AI:

Enter in a "prompt" that describes the image you would like to create, and then select a style. The more specific the better here.

This image can take a couple of minutes to generate, so do not close this window while it is working in the background:

Alternative text is automatically generated when you use this feature, click "Edit Alt Text" to see what was created and edit or remove:

AI Generated Cover Images

In the top left corner of your Guide editor, click the button "Guide Settings" and click "Cover Image":

Enter in a prompt, choose a style and click "Generate":

Don't close this modal until an image shows up in the gray space on the left of this modal:

Once an image is generated, you can click "Save" (or edit the prompt or try again if it's not to your liking).

This same cover image modal with Unsplash and AI image generation can be found on three other Employee Learning Cloud learning objects:

  • Challenges

  • Paths


AI for Questions

Admins can generate multiple choice questions based off of content stored in text content blocks in Guides.

To access this feature, return to the AI Assist button on any text content block that contains text.

After clicking this button, AI will start working on creating a question based on the text in that block, this may take a few minutes.

The result will be a multiple choice question including a question, correct answer that is selected, incorrect answers, as well as an Answer Hint and Answer Explanation.

All of these generated values are editable by the admin.

Tip: this feature works great on specific bodies of text. You may want to break up your text blocks into smaller parts in order to get a question that is more targeted to the information you are hoping to create a knowledge check for.

Enabling AI Assist for Guide Translations (beta)

AI Assist can now provide translations for learners viewing a Guide. This setting can be enabled in the General settings for each Guide.

When editing a Guide, click on the three-dot menu to open the Settings dropdown, click on General, then click the checkbox to Allow learners to translate content in 49 different languages with AI Assist. Un-checking the box will disable translation options for learners.

This will enable the Translation icon for learners viewing a Guide. From there, they can select the language they want to translate the Guide to.

Please review this article ( for specific details on how learners can translate Guides, which languages are available, what gets translated, and view FAQs.

Note: There are limits related to the size of the tasks within a Guide which may result in an error for the learner during the translation process. In initial testing, we have observed a limit of ~15,000 characters. The limit includes Guide data, content characters, HTML characters, metadata, payloads, etc. We will closely monitor usage and limits to further define best practices and recommendations for Guide size and structure, as well as continue to optimize the functionality.

AI Enterprise Settings

Enable / Disable AI

There is a platform-wide setting that disables AI Assist for the entire WorkRamp account via Settings > Enterprise, under the ‘AI Assist’ setting. This setting applies to all users within your account. This is enabled by default.

Data Retention

By default, the data retention period for your account's chat history is 30 days. If you would like to shorten this period, enter in the number of days that you would like the data to be retained for. For example, entering 1, will delete all of your AI chat history after 1 day.

Security Note

AI Assist only accesses data that is directly input within the AI Assist feature set. The data sent to OpenAI is shared for the sole purpose of providing accounts with the AI Assist features. 3rd parties & partners are not allowed to use your data for training their models or any other purpose. The OpenAI API is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant.

Security Best Practices

WorkRamp will always take every possible measure to ensure that our use of AI and your data remain secure, but there are best practices that should followed when using WorkRamp's AI enhanced features:

  • Avoid inputting unnecessary personal identification info (SSN, financial information, health information, etc.)

  • Review any information you get from an AI tool before publishing it (fact checking, checking for coherence, etc.)

  • Avoid disclosing unnecessary sensitive or confidential company information, including personal information about employees or vendors

  • Follow your organization’s policies for using AI at work. Stay up to date with the latest training and guidance provided by your company


What happens to images and other non-text based content within an existing text object that uses AI Assist presets?

  • AI Assist will attempt to maintain / reuse images, tables, videos, and other rich media within the text object, but it is not guaranteed. For example, it is common for images to be removed. Best practice is to limit the use of AI Assist to text objects that do not include rich media or formatting (text sizing, colors, etc) as these updates may be lost in the output from AI Assist.

How do I know if AI Assist responses are accurate?

  • AI Assist is a great tool to summarize, simplify, and general edit user input content. As with all generative AI tools, it is prone to confident hallucinations - therefore all content should be reviewed and validated for accuracy prior to publishing.

What level of access does the AI receive for my data?

  • AI Assist only accesses data that is directly input within the AI Assist feature set

  • The data sent to OpenAI is shared for the sole purpose of providing accounts with the AI Assist features. 3rd parties & partners are not allowed to use your data for training their models or any other purpose.

  • The OpenAI API is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant.

  • To request more security information, please visit

Do you have any rate limits on AI usage?

  • At this time, there are no limits on AI usage in the platform. This may be subject to change in the future.

Are there any other AI features in WorkRamp outside of the Guide editor?

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