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Libraries for Learners

Employee Learning Cloud: A Library contains curated content for your employees to self-serve training and resources.

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Written by PM team
Updated over a week ago

Libraries are a great way to offer off-the-shelf training and resources to your employees, when a direct assignment is not required.

If you are an Admin looking to create or manage a Library, see here: Create Your First Library.

Learners have access to all libraries made public to your enterprise, or libraries a Learner has been added to as a Member.

When a Learner clicks on a Library, they will find a curated selection of training and resources that an Admin has organized.

Featured Content

Admins can feature content so that their Learners don't miss content that is pertinent to their teams.


Beyond browsing, Learners can discover content utilizing three filter options:

  1. Type

    1. The type of content [Challenge, Guide, Path, Resource, SCORM]

  2. Tags

    1. Tags that the Admin has added to the content.

    2. Note: this will be disabled if no content in the library contains a tag

  3. Status

    1. For the logged-in Learner, allows them to filter content based on their completion status for each piece of content within the library [Not Started, In Progress, Overdue, Completed, Needs Grading, Failed]

Note: Filters are available at the root Library level, and when they are utilized, they will surface all content w/in the Library and it's folders that meets the criteria.

See an example, where selecting the Type: Resource shows only content of that type within the Library:


Sorts content within the Library in a few different ways. The default sort order is Updated, Newest to Oldest, to show you content first that was most recently updated.

Table View

In addition to the default card view, there is a table view that will allow you to see content listed in a table, which may be helpful if you are dealing with a Library that has a large number of content.

In this view, you can click on table headers to sort the content.

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