As a Manager, you have permission to grade and review the progress results of direct reports you have been assigned to. With our latest My Team page, second-level managers -- those with direct reports who also manage teams -- can view their entire team's progress. In order to become a manager, you have to be added as one by an administrator (tutorial here).
For an in-depth training & walk-through of how to use the My Team dashboard check out our Product Academy here.
Navigating to the My Team page
The new My Team page can be accessed in the Learner view by clicking on the "My Team" link in the Learner menu.
Insights and Assignment Status Summary
The top of the My Team page highlights insights for both Trainings and Events, including:
Summary metrics: completion rate, average grade, Event registrations, event attendance, and team size
Bar chart of Assignment and Event status
Using these, you can quickly scan how your team is progressing with their trainings and events.
The bar chart of Assignment status is also clickable and will filter results on the page to show recent assignments filtered by the selected status. The "status" value on the My Team page aligns with the status shown on the Overview pages in the admin console.
Event data can be viewed by clicking the Events toggle. Trainings is shown by default when a manager initially accesses the My Team page.
Second-level Managers
The latest version of the My Team page supports second-level managers in addition to managers with direct reports. This means managers who have direct reports who manage teams can manage their direct reports and view the progress of their entire team at a manager level and individual level.
Team Roll Up and Direct Report views
For second-level managers, they can select from two views:
Team Roll Up: This view allows second-level managers to view how their teams are performing by rolling up summaries by manager. If a second-level manager has both managers and individual contributors reporting to them, this view will include team summaries and summaries for the individual contributors. Clicking on a team row will take the second-level manager to the team page where they can continue navigating by team structure until they reach a list of individual contributors.
Direct Report: This view is limited to direct reports only, and is helpful when a manager needs to take action on the individuals who report to them.
The following video offers a brief walk-through of how to navigate both the Team Roll Up and Direct Report view.
Manager Actions
The My Team page offers managers a central place to take actions on assignments for their direct reports. These actions are listed next to the associated assignments.
Actions shown can vary by the type of content assigned to the learner.
Content Type | Actions Available |
Path | Remind: Prompts manager to send reminder email |
Guide | Remind: Prompts manager to send reminder email Grade: Opens a new tab to the Guide Submission page View: Opens a new tab to the Guide Submission page |
Challenge | Remind: Prompts manager to send reminder email Review: Takes manager to the Challenge review page View: Takes manager to the read-only view of the Challenge submission |
SCORM | Remind: Prompts manager to send reminder email |
Events | Message: Manager can send a message that will be sent to the learner's email inbox |
โน๏ธ Actions are only shown and can be completed by the direct manager. Second-level managers will not be shown the above actions if the individual has another direct manager. For example, if Chris reports to Judy and Judy reports to Anna, only Judy will see actions for Chris's assignments and Anna will not see them.
Slack Notifications for Actions
If you would like to receive Slack notifications when you have new action items for review, please have an administrator go to Settings > Integrations and check the box beside "Enable direct messages on new action items for managers."
Learner Transcript View
From the My Team page, managers can navigate to a team member's full learner transcript. The learner transcript view displays:
A summary of the learner's assignment performance, such as completion rate, last activity, and total badges earned
A detailed list of the learner's assignment history, with relevant manager actions if the learner is your direct report
Export CSV option to download the full transcript
A quick link to the learner profile
To navigate to a learner's transcript, click on an individual's name from the My Team page in either the Team Roll Up or Direct Report views.
Training Transcript View
The My Team page enables managers to find specific trainings and view their team's progress against that specific training.
To find a specific training or event, you can either (1) click the title of the training or event in any of the My Team page views or (2) click the "Title" option and search specifically for a training or event.
Filter Trainings and Events
To find a specific training, click the "Title" dropdown.
Select the relevant training or event in the drop down list.
The My Team page will filter to assignments and events matching that title.
To view the full Transcript, click any of the title links in the filtered list view.
Trainings and events can also be filtered by Status
Who has access to the My Team dashboard?
Any user that is listed in the Manager field for any other users will have access to My Team tab on their Learner home
How is the Manager Hierarchy managed to ensure the org chart is properly respected?
Manager Hierarchy / Org Chart is inferred based on the 'Manager' field for all users
Ex. If Joe is listed as John's Manager, and Tina is Joe's Manager - Tina will have the ability to see the Team Rollup and navigate across teams
How many layers are available when a Manager is navigating throughout the org chart?
Managers with teams below them will be able to drill up/down the org chart starting with their own team and as many layers below as exist. For example, the CEO would be able to drill down entirely to the individual level for every team
Does the Manager Hierarchy work if the Manager is assigned via a Group?
Yes. Group Manager assignment will be respected within the Hierarchy
Can managers in the same Group see each others dashboard?
No, they are not counted as members in the Group so they will not see the manager's data.
If a manager was added as a group manager via the groups settings page, and you are not seeing direct reports from the group appear on the My Team page, please wait 30 minutes and check again. There are regularly scheduled jobs that update the manager relationship.