Admins can store and manage sales-related content in a centralized repository within WorkRamp. CMS assets will be available to Employees when they are added to Libraries that your Employees have access to.
To learn about the CMS experience for Employees, see: CMS for Employees.
Accessing the CMS
Within the Admin Console, the CMS can be found in the top line navigation:
This is only available to customers who have purchased the add-on.
CMS Permissions
All Admins will have access to the CMS, if you would like certain users to only have CMS access, create a permission profile for them that includes "CMS Management":
Note: for users who you would like to manage CMS assets, as well as curate libraries that contain the assets, you'll need to make sure they have access to a folder level permission that contains a Library which the CMS assets will be added to. Learn more in Content Management Permissions.
Adding content to the CMS
To add an asset to the CMS, click the “+ Add” button in the top left corner of the screen.
From there, you will have the option to create one of two asset types: File or Link.
Upload a file to the CMS, or add a link by pasting in a URL. These will be individual assets that admins can keep updated, and will later become available to Employees by way of Libraries.
Supported Files
The maximum size for an uploaded file is 1GB.
Group | Available file types |
General | doc, docx, md, pdf, txt, csv, zip* |
Microsoft Office | ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx |
Apple | pages, key, numbers |
Images | jpg, jpeg, png, gif, svg |
Video & Audio | unsupported - consider uploading as a zipped file |
Note: File types in italics are unavailable to preview. Files larger than 200MB cannot be previewed.
For uploaded text type files, content will only be indexed and searchable if the file is smaller than 150KB and is one the following types: .txt .pages .numbers .key .odt .ods .odp .rtf .html .xml .doc .ppt .xls .pdf .docx .pptx .xlsx
Editing content in the CMS
To edit content, click the “Edit” button in the top right corner of any asset:
This will open a drawer, where you can edit the metadata associated with that asset.
Tags: can be added to any asset type (link or file) to aid Employees in discovering CMS content
Allow file to be downloaded: File assets will have the option to enable or disable the ability for Employees to download the file.
Tip: Keep this default setting on for content that your Employees may want to send to Prospects (e.g. one-pagers). Turn this setting off for materials that are for internal Sales Team reference only (e.g. Battlecards)
In order to keep your CMS assets up to date and trusted by your audience, there is an optional setting that allows you to set up a verification workflow for your assets.
To begin, move over to the Verification tab in the asset edit drawer:
By default, verification is not required for assets.
Choose a verification interval
In order to set up asset verification, first choose an "Interval" from the dropdown. You can select from options that will require a reviewer to verify these assets at this interval.
After you choose an interval, you'll see the approximate date that this asset will be verified until. On this date, the asset will become "unverified" until a CMS Admin replaces it, or verifies that it is still accurate and up to date.
Designate a reviewer
You'll want to make sure that a particular CMS Admin is notified when the asset is approaching an unverified state. Search to find any CMS Admin (WorkRamp Admins + those with the CMS Permission) or select "Notify all CMS Admins" but note that this will message the entire list you see here.
Now that your CMS asset has verification configured, you can see from the CMS asset overview page that this asset is verified until the date based on the interval you set.
Verifying an asset
Designated Reviewers will receive two emails prompting them to verify the asset.
30 days before the Asset is due to become unverified
On the day the asset is unverified
This is the email that they will receive the date the asset is unverified:
When they click "Verify Now", or if they navigate to the asset overview page, they can click "Verify" near the title of the asset:
This will open a page that allows them to view the asset, replace it, or verify it without any action:
Assets that will require verification soon can also be managed from the CMS Dashboard. In order to verify assets without viewing each individually, click the "Verify" link from this page, and the date will reset based on the interval already set.
Note: Besides clicking "Verify", there are three actions an admin can take that will count as verification for an asset: replacing a file, changing a URL for a link, or updating the verification interval.
CMS Asset Access
Assets added to the CMS will not be accessible to Employees until they are added to a Library.
Adding to Libraries
The quickest way to add a CMS asset to a library is to use the shortcuts from the CMS, which can be accessed from the middle of the page, or from the dropdown.
Note: CMS assets have a one:many relationship with Libraries (and Library folders), in that you can have one asset appear in as many Library locations as you please, to support varied asset organization needs.
If you would like to upload files in bulk to your Libraries, just open the Library from your Content tab in the Admin Console, and click the “Add” button to find content. Navigate to the CMS tab, and select assets here, and click “Add”.
Don’t forget to make sure the Library is accessible to your Users & Groups so that your Employees can access all of the CMS content you have curated.
Employee Access
Once admins have curated Asset Libraries for their Employees, Employees will have access to all of the content, to discover through search, by browsing libraries, and through the Chrome Extension. Here is what the assets will look like in a Library:
To learn about the CMS experience for Employees, see: CMS for Employees.
External Sharing
To control who will be allowed to view this file, move to the Share tab in the edit asset drawer.
By default, all assets will be allowed for internal sharing. Optionally - admins can allow an asset to be shared externally by Employees through Libraries.
When an asset has "Allow external sharing" turned on, clicking the link from the cards or tables in Libraries, or the Share button on an overview will open a dropdown menu that has the enabled Share Externally option:
When each employee clicks "Share Externally" they are generating a unique link that is unique to them, and the moment they click the button. This makes it able to be tracked, when it is sent to external parties.
When the external party opens the link, they will be asked to enter their email address to self-identify before viewing:
The employee will then receive an email when the external party has entered their email address and viewed the content:
Admins will get to see all activities from the CMS Asset overview page:
Reporting on CMS content usage
The CMS Dashboard shows aggregate data about how all of the assets stored in your CMS are being engaged with by your end user employees.
Sort by columns to discover the level of engagement each asset has, or click on the Export CSV button in the top right corner of the Dashboard to see each engagement activity across all assets.
By clicking on an asset title, or by navigating to a CMS asset overview page, you can easily view the total number of shares, views, downloads or copies that an individual asset has.
There is also a table of "Recent Activity" that shows engagement with the asset by your employees.
When content becomes unverified, does that remove access for Employee Sales Reps?
No, content will remain published in a Library in an unverified state.
Can I set a default so that all content expires on a particular cadence, or all content has a default reviewer?
Not at this time, the defaults will all be Verification not required. We may consider this in the future with global CMS settings.
Can we see how long external users spent viewing each page in for example, a PDF?
No, at this time we will only show whether the asset has been viewed
Are the share links generated unique?
Yes, the links are unique to the moment the share link is created
What happens if an externally shared asset gets into the wrong hands, and I want to revoke access?
If an employee suspects that an unintended recipient has access to a shared asset, they should ask their admin to edit the asset, and turn off “Allow external sharing” this will make it so no shared assets can be viewed using the share links generated.