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Communities: Flag Posts & Comments

Customer Learning Cloud: Managing posts and comments

PM team avatar
Written by PM team
Updated over a week ago

If a user in the Community finds content they think violates the standards of the Community, they can flag posts or comments to alert Community Admins to review and potentially remove that content from the Community.

Flagging Community Content

On any Post or Comment, in the overflow menu, users can find an option to “Flag for Review.” Once they select that, they will see a modal with options to select the reason for flagging content.

Once a user has flagged a Post or Comment, they will no longer be able to flag that content while it is under review.

Admin Actions

After a user has flagged a Post or Comment, all Hub Admins will receive an email alert with information about the flagged content.

NOTE: If you are an Admin in WorkRamp and you are not receiving these emails, please make sure you are showing as a Hub Admin in the Customer Learning Cloud (Under Settings>>Admins)

When an Admin logs into the Admin Console and there are active Posts or Comments to review, in the Posts table, they will now see a “Review” tab.

In the Review tab, the Admins will see all Posts & Comments that have been flagged and have not yet been resolved by an admin.

From here, Admins can review any flagged content and resolve it either by deleting the Post or Comment from the Community or rejecting the flag and allowing it to remain in the Community. Once the flag has been resolved, the Post or Comment will no longer appear in the Review table.

Once the flag has been addressed, the user(s) that flagged the Post or Comment will be alerted that the content has been addressed and let them know the result of their flag.

Content Deleted:

Flag Rejected

Email Notification Settings

By default, Hub Admins receive email notifications when content is flagged and Learners receive email notifications when their flags are resolved. If you need to change these settings for your Community, in the Community Settings tab, Admins can set preferences for email notifications for Flagged content. You can disable both Hub Admin notifications when posts and comments are flagged and if Community Members are notified when their flags are resolved so that you have control over Community Notifications.

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