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Archive Content

Employee Learning Cloud: How to Archive Content to clear your home screen

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Written by PM team
Updated over a week ago

Archive allows Learners to move content from "In Progress" tab to the "Archive" tab in order to maintain a clean home screen upon Login. This is a great tool for Learners that have many self-assigned trainings from Libraries & Search, and no longer intend to complete the Training. Any Trainings archived are still Searchable to be found later, but simply will not clutter your home page making it easier to find new & existing assignments.

To archive self-assigned trainings simply select the three dots menu on the bottom right of any content card on the Learner home and select 'Archive'.

Trainings that were assigned by Admin are not able to be Archived, but Admin can archive these assignments for Learners.

Once trainings have been archived they can be viewed within the 'Archive' tab of the Trainings page.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at or leverage your chat window in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen.

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