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Classmarker Guide Object
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Written by PM team
Updated over 7 months ago

📣 Classmarker is a third party solution for quiz and question bank management that can be embedded into a WorkRamp Guide. This object must be explicitly turned on in each WorkRamp account.

If you have Classmarker (or plan on using it) and are interested in using it in a WorkRamp Guide, please reach out to support or your Account Manager.

For teams using Classmarker for quiz and question bank management, there is a Classmarker Exam Guide Object that can be used to more deeply embed Classmarker quizzes into a Guide, and send the pass/fail results back to WorkRamp.

There is some setup that has to happen in both WorkRamp and Classmarker for this Guide object to be used successfully.

  • An active Classmarker subscription is needed. Pricing and subscription options can be found here: Quiz Maker Pricing for Online Testing.

  • A Webhook needs to be enabled in Classmarker, which will need to be selected for each Test in order to get the pass/fail results from Classmarker into WorkRamp

    • Log into Classmarker

    • Hover over the “User” dropdown

    • Click “Webhooks/API Keys”

    • Click + New Webhook

    • Fill out the following fields:

      • Enter a Webhook Name

      • Enter the Endpoint URL (

      • Select Unique Link ID from the checkbox selections

      • Make sure Paused is set to No

      • Select Verify on Save

    • Click Save - there should be a verification of the webhook working properly, and a Secret Phrase will be generated

  • The Classmarker integration needs to be enabled in ELC (Settings → Integrations → Classmarker, which is in the Collaboration section.)

    • Copy the Secret Phrase from Classmarker

    • Paste it into the Secret Phrase field in WorkRamp

  • Create a Guide with a Classmarker Quiz

    • Create a quiz in Classmarker

    • Create a link for the quiz

    • Open a test

    • Click “Assign Test”

    • Click “Send a Link”

    • Click “Create New Link”

    • Select the following test settings:

      • Create a name for the link

      • Under Setup - make sure that Require ID is set to On to ensure the pass/fail status for that learner is passed to WorkRamp

        • Check Require ID

        • Ideally, Limit Attempts is NOT selected

  • Under Test Completion - make sure the webhook is selected

    • Select the Webhook from the dropdown

    • Create “Assign” or “Save” if you are creating a link for a previously created test

Note: You can select "Save as my default settings" if you plan on using most quizzes in WorkRamp to automatically have these options selected for each quiz.

  • Create a new Guide

    • Select “Classmarker Exam” from the Integration section in the Guide Editor

  • Paste the link from a Quiz created in Classmarker into the Classmarker Exam object

If a pass/fail is desired for the Guide status after a Contact completes the Classmarker test, ensure the following options are selected:

  • Classmarker Setting: Set the desired Pass Mark in the Test Completion section of the Test Link Settings

  • WorkRamp Setting: Ensure that "Graded" and "Required" are toggled ON in the Classmarker Guide Object

  • WorkRamp Setting: Ensure "Require a passing score" is selected with the desired score in the Guide Test Settings

Test completion settings in Classmarker:

Classmarker Exam Guide Object with "Graded" and "Required" toggled ON

Note: Currently, when adding a Classmarker link in the Guide Editor Object, the admin may see a message about a missing link parameter instead of a preview of the test. This is because we aren't sharing a Classmarker User ID in the guide editor, but it does display as expected in Preview mode and to a learner.

Once the Guide is published with the Classmarker Exam, it can be used for both internal and external learners in the Employee Learning Cloud, and in the Customer Learning Cloud.

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