We have embedded the power of AI Assist into Challenges to help Reviewers save time when grading Learner submissions. Reviewers have the option to 'suggest grade' from AI while Reviewing a Video or Written Challenge to populate scores from the AI.
Getting Setup
To enable the Auto-grade functionality go to:
Challenge > Edit > Advanced Settings > Reviewer
Within the Reviewer section is the new ‘Allow Reviewer to use AI auto-grade'
This functionality is off by default, and is only selectable when the Challenge Type of Written, Video Recording, or Zoom Recording is selected. If any other type is selected at the top of the Edit page the setting is disabled.
ℹ️ Please note that AI auto-grading for Video Recording and Zoom Recording Challenges is based on analyzing the video transcript, and does not include the analysis of things like facial expressions or screen sharing.
Reviewer Suggestions
From the Reviewer perspective the 'suggest grade' functionality is found within the Learner's Challenge Submission Review page. There are two ways AI Assist can be utilized for written and video Challenges:
Challenge wide: the 'Suggest grade' above the individual questions will kick-off the AI scoring for each question, providing results for every question
Specific questions: the 'Suggest grade' below each question will provide a suggestion for the immediate question it is located under
Note: grades are only a suggestion by AI and the Reviewer must select Submit to fully complete grading. This provides Reviewers with the ability to edit AI suggests
Grading Criteria
For Written and Video Challenges with ‘Allow Reviewer to use AI auto-grade’ enabled the AI reads each question and provides a suggested score based on the user’s input and the Challenge instructions input by the Admin.
Admin can help the AI more accurately grade each question by providing Grading Criteria within the Edit Challenge workflow. This grading criteria can be seen by both Reviewers as well as read by the AI when grading, providing additional detail behind what should constitute a particular score. For example, when utilizing the 5 point scale (1-5) the admin can add information within the Grading Criteria better explaining when a Learner should receive a 1, 2, 3, etc.
To view the Grading Criteria the Reviewer can simply hover over the 'i' information bubble:
If you have any questions, email support@workramp.com or leverage your chat window at the bottom right of your screen.