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How To Allow Access To Guides & Paths For External Learners

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to allow external access to Guides and Paths using the Share Link

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

For Guides and Paths, the Share Link can be found under the menu located in the top right-hand corner of the Content page.

Once you select Get Share Link from the drop-down the following window will appear: 

If you click on the Share Link provided it will automatically copy to your clipboard, and without selecting any Settings this link can be shared internally amongst your organization. 

Learners within your enterprise and with access to WorkRamp will then see the following screen when the share link is selected:

Allow External Access

In order for External Learners to access the assigned Guide or Path you must check the box for 'Allow anonymous access' and save the Share Link settings.

Once the Learner clicks on the Share Link you provided, they will be redirected to a Preview version of the shared Guide or Path. No progress will be tracked when a user views a Guide anonymously.

In order for them to begin the assigned Guide or Path they must select Login or Register to Start Guide / Path in the top right corner of the screen. This will then allow them to Create an Account using their external email address and begin their designated Guide / Path.  

Auto Assigning Guide & Due Date

By selecting Auto assign guide, the Guide / Path will automatically be assigned when the share link is visited.

Additionally, you have the option to Assign a due date to your External Learners who will be accessing this information through the Share Link. 

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