In this article, we will cover the following: Assign Content (Guide, Path, Challenge, & SCORM), Change Due Dates, Filter Through Assignments, and Unassign Content.
Assign a Training
Once you finish updating your training content and are ready to assign it to Learners, use the Assign button on the top right of the overview page.
Note: The Due Date for Guide, SCORM, and Path assignments is optional. This allows users to complete the training at their own pace.
You can also assign a Group through their Custom Attribute by using the Advance option:
Schedule Assignments for the future
During the assignment workflow admin can select 'schedule assignment date' to choose the specific date, time, and timezone that the assignment will be sent to Learners. The default (non-checked) selection is to send the assignment immediately, so making this selection will be selecting to choose a future date/time.
To monitor any Schedules currently setup for a training select the 3-menu dropdown and choose 'Scheduled Assignments'. From the Scheduled Assignments page admin can check who created an assignment, which Learners are targeted, as well as edit or delete the schedule.
Change Assignment Due Date
Using the drop-down arrow beside each user's assignment row, you also have the option to update the due dates after assigning the training to Learners.
Filtering the Assignments Table
Using the Status button, you can easily filter the table for the Status of the assignments. After filtering the table, you can message those specific users to remind them about their assignments.
Unassign a Training
When needed, you can unassign trainings from Learners. Use the menu dots beside the user's assignment row and select 'Unassign.'
Note: You cannot unassign (or archive) a Guide, Challenge, or SCORM that is part of a Path. To unassign content as a part of a Path, you will have to unassign the Path as a whole.
Bulk actions
In order to update multiple assignments at once you can utilize the 'Actions' button above the assignments table. Simply select the checkbox next to each specific assignment you would like to target and then select the Actions button to see the full list of options.
Options will vary depending on the content type, but all content types include the 'Export CSV' within the Actions button. This allows for quick download of the available data within the assignments table, and coupled with the filters allows for quick analysis of assignments.