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Workday Integration

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about the Workday integration features and how to enable it

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

What Does The Workday Integration Do?

The Workday integration allows you to sync user data directly from your Workday instance to your WorkRamp instance via a daily S3 file transfer.

Please note: in order to most accurately provision users and provide a seamless login experience, a user data sync should typically be configured via SCIM (Okta, Azure, etc.). The Workday integration should only enabled if you can't utilize SCIM with your WorkRamp instance. Reach out to if you have questions about the best integration solution for your instance.

The features of the Workday integration include:

  • New employees created in Workday will be automatically created in WorkRamp

  • Departing employees or employees deleted in Workday will be automatically deactivated in WorkRamp

  • Updating user attributes in Workday (such as name, email, etc.) will be automatically updated in WorkRamp

  • Custom user attributes in Workday (such as department, location) can be automatically synced and updated in WorkRamp

Note: We automatically sync the file once a day at 10am UTC. You can click "Sync Now" from the Admin Integration Settings to sync data on-demand.

How Does The Workday Integration Work?

At a high level, you will be generating a custom report from within Workday (a CSV file) that includes all the users and their attributes that you want to sync to WorkRamp. You will configure Workday to generate and upload this CSV file every night to a location on Amazon S3 where WorkRamp will be able to access it. WorkRamp will process the CSV file nightly and sync the information to your WorkRamp instance.

Note: We only sync the file once a day at 10am UTC. An on-demand sync button is coming soon.

The Workday integration will update (overwrite) every field on your user except for the "manager" and "groups" fields with every nightly sync. For example, if your user changes her name from "Samantha" to "Sam" in Workday, her name will be updated to "Sam" in WorkRamp during the next sync.

For the "manager" and "groups" fields, we make additive changes, meaning we will append any new managers or groups we find. For example, if Sam was a part of "sales, customer success" on the first sync, but was now "support", her new groups would be "sales, customer success, support" on the next sync. Given managers and groups can be updated in multiple ways (for example, manually updated in the application), we did not want to overwrite fields that could be used for other purposes.

You have the ability to override Groups and Manager values through the integration so that Workday is the source of truth for these values.

Enabling The Workday Integration

Getting the integration working involves 2 steps:

  1. Enabling the integration in WorkRamp. As part of this process you will obtain configuration details that you will need for the next step.

  2. In Workday, you will create a custom report that includes all the users you want to sync with WorkRamp. This report will be configured with the details that you obtain from step 1.

Enabling the Integration in WorkRamp

  1. Contact to turn on the Workday feature in your WorkRamp instance

  2. Once the feature is turned on, go to the Settings > Integrations > Workday and click on the "Enable" button. Once enabled, you will be presented with some configuration details. Please make note of these details as they will be needed for the next step in the process.

Creating a Custom Report in Workday

  1. Contact your internal Workday administrator and have them create a custom report that includes all the users that you want to sync to WorkRamp.

  2. The columns should be as follows (* denotes required):

    1. name*

    2. email*

    3. active*

      1. whether the user should be active or deactivated in WorkRamp

      2. values should either be True or False

    4. manager_email*

      1. the manager's email if they have a manager

    5. external_id*

      1. a unique string identifying the user

    6. any extra columns will be treated as custom attributes

      1. For any Date values, the expected format is in DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY/MM/DD format.

      2. Reach out to support to enable alternate formats, such as MM/DD/YYYY

      3. Note: custom attribute headers should:

      • not have any hyphens in them

      • be in the custom attribute api_name format (with underscores)

        • e.g. job_title

    7. groups

      1. if you have set the groups to overwrite on sync, the expected format is pipe-delimited values, e.g.:

  3. The report's export settings will be filled out with the information that you previously noted:

    1. Note file name must be import.csv

      1. Please reach out to if you require a file format akin to "import*.csv", where * can be any sequence of characters.

  4. Run the report or wait for the scheduled time (recommended before 10am UTC), then go back to WorkRamp and click "Sync Now" or wait until after 10am UTC for the next sync that pulls the csv from the S3 bucket into WorkRamp.

  5. Any errors will be available to download as a csv to help you remediate.

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