Course Enrollments
Let’s get started with enrolling contacts in your courses! First, head over to the Enrollments tab in your Academy and select Course Enrollments.
On the Trainings list, select the Course you would like to enroll contacts in.
Once you’re looking at the list of trainings, find the applicable course. Click on the [+Enroll Contacts] button, and a pop-up window will appear. Here, you can enter users or Segments for enrollment, and you can also add a Due Date or a custom message to personalize the enrollment email.
If you’re enrolling new users who aren’t part of your Academy yet, they’ll receive both an invitation and a training enrollment email to welcome them aboard!
Friendly reminder: enrolling a Segment means only the existing users in that Segment will be included. Any new users who join later won’t automatically be enrolled.
Certification and Path Enrollments
Next up, let’s explore enrolling users in Certifications and Paths! Click on the Users tab in your Academy and select the relevant Enrollments option.
On the content list, select the Certification or Path you would like to enroll users in.
Click the [+Enroll Contacts] button, and a pop-up window will allow you to enter users or Segments for enrollment. You can also include a Due Date or a custom message to enhance the enrollment email.
Here’s a glimpse of how the enrollment email will appear to users:
Note: The logo in the email will use the logo from your Academy Registration Page.
If you're interested discovering more information on segmenting customers, we have more details available here.
Can I invite users through content enrollments?
What happens if I try to enroll a user in a Course they already self-enrolled in?
We do not update the enrollment to indicate that the Course was assigned by an admin and leave the Course as self-enrolled.
Where can Academy users see their enrolled trainings?
They can click on the My Trainings tab in the sub-navigation bar or click on the Profile icon on the top right and select My Trainings: