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Customer Learning Cloud: Learn how to integrate for your Academy

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Segment collects events from your academy website, synthesizes the data and passes it to downstream destinations (SaaS tools, internal databases or queues, or a data warehouse) to perform analytics, run marketing campaigns and much more.

Please note our integration currently only supports WorkRamp as a Source for your event data.

Please see Segment's documentation on the integration here.

Set up a Source in Segment

From your workspace’s Sources catalog page click Add Source.

Search for “WorkRamp” in the Sources Catalog, select click WorkRamp, and click Add Source.

On the next screen, give the Source a nickname configure any other settings.

The nickname is used as a label in the Segment app, and Segment creates a related schema name in your warehouse. The nickname can be anything, but we recommend using something that reflects the source itself (eg. WorkRamp_CustomerAcademy).

Click Add Source to save your settings.

Copy the Write key from Segment, in your Source's Settings > API Key.

Navigate to your Source’s settings > API Keys. Generate and copy your “Write Key”

Enabling the Integration in WorkRamp

Navigate to the Integrations page of your Academy and scroll down to the Segment box.

Toggle the integration on and insert your Write Key.

Head back to Segment to start viewing tracked events in the Segment Debugger, and when you’re ready - create a Destination within Segment to do amazing things with your data!

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