☁️ Employee Learning Cloud
Previously, WorkRamp did not have a way for Admins to validate that reminder notifications are being sent to Learners. Now, you will have access to a new report type in the Report Builder that allows you to pull audit logs on notifications (email, Slack, and Teams) sent to Learners.
Users can open development tab course detail pages in new tabs.
Permission to limit to certain employees and/or groups. A new WorkRamp Content tile will appear on the integrations settings page. The settings page will include a toggle to turn on the Development tab for all learners. If the toggle is turned off for all learners, the new WorkRamp Content permission can be added for individuals or groups of learners, to allow a more limited group of learners to use the Development tab.
We are now including the “Meeting Options” link in the Teams Event description so coordinators can validate and edit the Teams meeting settings prior to the event.
☁️ Customer Learning Cloud
The search results page allows users to view more search results on a dedicated page and filter or sort to find the content they are looking for.
This new call allows Admins the ability to get all event session registrations
We have added Settings and Visibility Settings to the menu for standalone content to make it easier to manage.
Additional enhancements and updates
API Updates for the Employee Learning Cloud - We released 3 new APIs to improve our “get all” APIs to include date ranges:
Get All Guide Assignments in Date Range
Get All SCORM Assignments in Date Range
Get All Path Assignments in Date Range
Time Zone Adherence for the Employee Learning Cloud: WorkRamp can ingest a time zone attribute through SCIM to calculate hire/start dates relative to the learner’s time zone. Automations and notifications then respect the time zone of the learner. This will need to be enabled via feature flag if customers want to use this