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When Do Users Receive Notifications?

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn about when your Learners get notifications

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Assigned Training

Notifications are sent when a user has been assigned a training directly (ie a Path, Guide, or Challenge). Reminder notifications to remind Learners to complete their assignments will be sent according to the Automated Reminder Notifications you have set up. They are also sent notifications when they have received feedback on their work.  

Finally, they will receive an email if you have assigned a Certification to a successful completion of a Guide, they will be sent the Certification through their email. 


Users are not notified when Libraries are made available to them. If you would like to send them a link to the Library through an email or to post on an internal website, navigate to the Learner Home Page, click into the Library, and copy the URL link.

How to Change Notification Settings

If you would like to make adjustments to notifications sent on behalf of the Enterprise, please navigate to the administrative console, [Settings] and select "Email." Check or uncheck the boxes that are relevant for your enterprise. 

Note: By default, all boxes are enabled. This image is an example of a customized view where the boxes were unchecked.

For more information on Digest emails, check out the Daily and Weekly email Digests article.

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