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Use Academy Events to host scheduled sessions like live instructor-led trainings or on-demand content that users can access at any time.
Please note that Academy Events are different than Events on the Internal platform. If you have questions about Internal Events, please see our Internal Events help article.
How do I create an Event?
To create an event, navigate to Academies > Content > Events and click the “+ New Event” button.
To customize your Event card, you can add a custom card image. To customize your Event landing page, you can add a header background image and additional event details.
What kind of events can I host?
You can use your event to host live sessions and/or on-demand content.
Use live sessions to create scheduled sessions with a defined start and end date/time. Use our Zoom integration to create a Zoom Meeting, or attach your own link if you are hosting your event externally.
Use on-demand content to add content without a defined start or end date/time that users can access at any time. Upload video files or links to externally hosted content.
How do I create a Live Session?
To create a live session, fill out your session details and choose between adding your own custom URL or creating a Zoom Meeting.
You can opt to hide the date and time for a session if you want the "Register" button to stay active on the page for an extended period of time. This is a useful option if you plan to send Contacts to a third-party site (like Zoom Webinar) to register for specific sessions, but still promote the event on WorkRamp.
To create a Zoom Meeting, first set up the WorkRamp Zoom Integration under Settings > Integrations. Then, come back and refresh the page to select the Zoom account you want to host the meeting. Please note that this integration only supports Zoom Meetings, not Zoom Webinars.
How do I add On-Demand Content?
To add on-demand content, choose between uploading a video or adding a custom external link. Please note that video files need to be uploaded as MP4 or AVI formats.
How do I publish my Event?
You need to publish your event before users can register for live sessions or view on-demand content. Flip the Publish toggle and click Preview Event to see the event in your Academy.
If this is your 1st event, make sure to also toggle Events on the main Events page, to publish your Events tab on your Academy.
To pin new or featured events at the top of your Events catalog, you can feature your event. Read more about our Featured Content section here.
How do users sign up for live sessions?
Users can register for live sessions directly from the Event catalog. They need to first log into your Academy in order to register. Upon registration, they will automatically receive a calendar invite with the event & session details.
Note: If the "Redirect learners to custom URLs to register for sessions" is toggled ON under the Live Sessions settings, registrations will not be tracked for any Live Sessions in WorkRamp. This setting will bring the learner directly to the custom URL when they click Register, opening it in a new tab. If it is toggled OFF, the learner will click Register, then click Access Session, which will open the custom URL in a new tab.
You can also invite users directly to the event or individual live sessions. Users will receive an email with an optional invite message, event details, and registration link.
How do users access on-demand content?
By default, users do not need to log into your Academy in order to access external links or videos.
To gate your Academy’s on-demand content, restrict your Academy with the “Require Authorization to View” setting under Settings > General.
How do I track engagement on my Events?
For live sessions, you can track invitations, registrations, and attendance from your users in the Event Overview table shown below. Use the clickable “key metric” cards or session/status filters to filter your event users.
For attendance tracking, there are two primary ways to track attendance on your live sessions:
Automatic Attendance Tracking: Users are automatically marked as attended when they access the external link or Zoom Meeting link within 10 minutes of the session start time
Manual Attendance Tracking: Users can also be manually marked as attended or absent, by clicking the dropdown on right side of the user record.
For on-demand content, you can track clicks on your external links and views on your uploaded videos by switching your view from Live Sessions to On-Demand Content at the top of the page. Please note that users have to be logged in, in order for their clicks and views to be tracked. If the setting to "Redirect learners to custom URLs to register for sessions" is turned off for the Event and you are using an external link, we automatically mark a user as attended when they click that link.