Use our Salesforce Integration to sync data from your Academy to your Salesforce CRM!
Integration Overview
This integration creates 3 new custom SFDC objects in your Salesforce Instance:
Registrations: An enrollment in an individual training (guide, resource, SCORM)
Certifications: An enrollment in an individual certification
Paths: An enrollment in an individual path
You can use these objects to set up reports and dashboards. These objects are automatically associated with Salesforce accounts, contacts, and leads using the record's contact email domain
. These objects can be accessed on those records as related lists.
The integration also allows you to create leads from new registrations to the Academy (see here for details).
The integration syncs daily every 6 hours.
Install the Salesforce Integration
Head over to Academy > Integrations to set up the integration for your desired Academy.
The user setting up the integration needs to be an Enterprise Admin. You can manage Enterprise Admins by heading to Employee Learning Cloud > Settings > Permissions. If you want an Academy Admin to set up the integration, you can temporarily give them full Admin access and remove their Admin access after the integration is set up.
Click Install Salesforce Package and follow the instructions after authenticating your Salesforce account.
Once setup, come back to WorkRamp to Enable Production Sync.
Note: To update your package to our latest version, also click Install Salesforce Package
Integration Details
WorkRamp Academy Registration
This object represents a single registration for a single training module. For example, when a customer signs up for an 'Admin 101' course. This object's fields include:
date_registered (date)
date_completed (date)
time_spent (number)
score (number)
WorkRamp Academy Certification
This object represents a completion of a single certification. For example, when a customer completes an 'Advanced Essentials' certification, this would get logged to this object:
completed (boolean)
awarded (boolean)
date_awarded (date)
expiration_date (date)
WorkRamp Academy Path
completed (boolean)
has_badge (boolean)
completed_at (date)
Adding Related Lists on Account, Contact, and Lead Records
You can add related lists to your Account, Contact, or Lead records so that the new WorkRamp Custom Objects above are accessible on those records.
To do so, go to your Edit Layout option on any of the objects and navigate to your Related Lists. Pull down the related lists for WorkRamp Registrations, WorkRamp Certifications, or WorkRamp Paths. You can also edit the related list properties of the list once dragged onto your view to add or remove columns.
Note: If there is no association between an email of a registrant or user being certified, we will not create a new lead or contact at the moment. This registrant or user would still be logged in the corresponding object tables, but would not be associated with a lead or contact.