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Automated Reminder Notifications

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to set up reminder notifications for assignments with due dates

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

Looking to customize the reminder notifications that are sent to users for their assignments? You're in the right place! You can set up notifications leading up to the assignment due date as well as reminders once the assignment is overdue.

This page outlines the impacts of the global settings for Due Date & Overdue reminders. These settings are felt across all assignments that have a Due Date associated to them. Content overrides to these settings can be found here

Start by going to Settings > Emails in the Admin Console.

For each reminder type, click on the pencil icon to edit the template or the cadence for the reminder.

You can set up to 4 notifications leading up to the assignment due date and up to 4 reminders once the assignment is overdue.


Here is an example of the Reminder Notification leading up to the due date:

Here is an example of how the Overdue Assignment Notification will look:


  • Where do these reminders get sent?

    • The reminders are sent via email. If your account has the Slack integration enabled, a notification will also send via Slack if reminders are enabled for your Slack integration.

  • When are reminder and due date emails sent to learners?

    • These emails trigger around 2pm UTC

  • How do these reminders work for Path and the modules within a Path?

    • Reminders will be sent at the Path level. Learners will not get a reminder for every Guide in the Path, rather the Path as a whole.

  • Can Learners disable these email notifications?

    • Yes, if the notification is enabled on the enterprise level, the user can go to the Profile tab of their Learner homepage to adjust their notification settings. If notifications are not setup, Learners will not be able to enable it. You can read more about the user notification settings here.

  • Can these reminder cadences be overwritten anywhere?

    • Yes, content notification cadence overrides can be set at the content itself, learn more here

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