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SCORM Interactions Report

Employee Learning Cloud: Learn how to export the interaction data for your SCORM trainings.

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Written by Support
Updated over a week ago

SCORM, which stands for Shareable Content Object Reference Model, is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products.

For steps on how to using SCORM courses in WorkRamp, please see our help article.

What is the SCORM Interactions Report?

Interactions are SCORM's naming for the answers to questions in a SCORM course. This interaction data is only available for courses that have the questions set up within the SCORM file and have at least 1 result (answer from at least 1 Learner to date).

On the SCORM standalone page, you will see the option to export a CSV of the Interactions data under the Actions button. This data can be exported for all Learners (the default) or for specific users, using the bulk selection box beside each user's assignment row.


  • Why aren’t my interactions exports populating with data when the SCORM file has questions included?

    • SCORM files need to be setup to ‘record interactions full details’, as per this document. The author of the SCORM course will need to update this in the authoring tool in order for the data to be recorded. The linked document also provides additional detail on how best to setup questions in order to see human-readable results in the Interactions reporting.

  • Will the data be available for SCORM courses that were completed prior to this release?

    • Yes! For any SCORM standalone content that was set up correctly, a data backfill has been run to include historical data. This will not include interactions for SCORM completions that were imported from another LMS. We only have access to interactions that were made after launching the SCORM course from the WorkRamp platform directly.

  • Is this reporting option available for SCORM embedded in a Guide?

    • No, this Interactions report is only available for SCORM standalone content.

  • Are there any plans to bring this data in-app, more in line with the Guide Submission page?

    • This is the first step in bringing the data to users. In the future, we plan to make this data more accessible within the platform itself, but this work has not been prioritized as of yet.

  • Is retake data included?

    • Yes, as of September 2024, the export includes retake data. Admins will see all submissions by Learners.

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