🌺 May Product Updates
☁️ Employee Learning Cloud
The WorkRamp Content compliance package is a content solution powered by EasyLlama. Compliance and workplace training content resources are imported as SCORM files and can be assigned to employees by Internal Admins.
Note: This is available to Employee LMS customers to purchase as an add-on. Please contact your Customer Success or Account team to learn more.
Supplementing the Events object that was released in January with an additional field–attendance.
☁️ Customer Learning Cloud
A handful of updates were made to help Customer LMS with grading actions.
Grade submissions in Users > Training Enrollments instead of Analytics > Dashboard
To grade guide submissions, go to Users > Training Enrollments instead of Analytics > Dashboard. A "Needs Grading" badge indicates which assignments need grading.
Academies Submissions Downloads
We added the ability to download assignment submissions for individual trainings (all types) as well as all trainings in a certificate or path.
When using the "image" content block in the Guide editor, admins have two options: (1) to add an image caption and (2) to add alternative text for better screen reader accessibility. Previously the “Text” content block supported this feature, but the “Image” content block did not. These additions help bring the Image block to parity with the Text block.