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All CollectionsMonthly Product Updates2023
December 2023 - Product Roundup
December 2023 - Product Roundup
PM team avatar
Written by PM team
Updated over a year ago

☃️ December Product Updates

☁️ Employee Learning Cloud

The Report Builder includes a new report type, called Trainings. The Trainings report allows you to analyze learner progress across all content types, including Guides, Challenges, SCORM, Paths, Events, and Resources. It includes filters that apply to all and content-specific fields. Check out the Data Dictionary to learn more about the fields you can include and filter by.

Microsoft Teams Integrations for meeting attendance tracking and chat notifications

On the tails of our recent Microsoft Outlook integration, we're expanding our Microsoft integrations to include support for Teams.

  • Teams Chat: Learners and Admins will now receive notifications such as due date reminders, overdue reminders, and recent assignments to help drive completion rates.

  • Teams Video: You can automatically include Teams Video links in Events, with attendance tracking when enabled.

☁️ Customer Learning Cloud

Our Customer LMS certification settings now features a second template option. You can choose this new template on the Academy > Settings > Certification page.

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