Creating a Group
Creating groups can be useful for sending information to large teams, managing progress on a large scale, and having better reporting capabilities. To create a group, an administrator will go to [Settings] and select "Groups". Once inside, click on the button [+ Add Group] to name and create a new group.
Managing Members in a Group
After the group is created, you can click on the Group name or through the groups menu and select Edit Group to view or make changes to the members within the group.
Once you are within the Groups page, administrators can manage users in the group, as well as add members through their email addresses. If the user does not yet exist, a profile will be created and the user will be sent an email to complete setting up their profile.
Adding Members to a Group
You can add users to a Group using the 'Edit Group' option.
Use the [Add Users] button to see the three options you have for adding users.
You can add users manually, by selecting users from a list.
You can add users dynamically, by following the steps in our help article. You also have the option to import users. On the Import users window, you will see a field for you to paste in emails in bulk.
Users can also be added to the Group through the Settings > “Users” tab. Each user has an “Edit Group” option, where they can be added to the Group through the Group name.
After your group is created and has members, you can now start assigning guides to specific groups for easier tracking and deployment. Additionally, you can also report on groups through the Training Application > Reporting > Groups tab.
Delete Groups
To delete a group, select the Group and the module under 'Export CSV' will appear to delete the Group[s]: