To learn more about each field within the Report Builder see the Data Dictionary
How To Run A Report
Reports are beneficial in showing you the progress of your team, and how well they are doing in regards to their Guides, Paths, Challenges, etc.
In order to run your first report:
Navigate to the Reporting tab in the top left corner of the menu bar
Select Report Builder
Select 'Create Report'
Choose the type of report you would like to run and select Create on the bottom right corner (i.e. trainings, groups, guide submissions, etc.)
Select a Sub Report Type from the right dropdown (when applicable)
Add any relative filters
Add additional columns through the blue plus sign in between columns or Delete any unnecessary columns
Click Run Report
Types of Reports
To create your report you will first select the report type, which determines which data is available to you. The different report types are as follows:
Trainings: see how Learners are performing across all trainings
Libraries: see how Learners are accessing content in libraries
Users: see which users exist in your instance and basic training data
Groups: see which groups exist in your instance and basic training data
Challenge Submissions: see questions & answers within Challenges
Guide Submissions (new): see questions & answers within Guides
Badges: see what badges have been awarded to Learners
Audit Logs: report on notification activity
The Trainings report is the home for all data across every training (Guides, Challenges, SCORM, Paths, & Events). This report will be the primary place to pull complete Learner transcript & other data related to assignments & trainings.
Group Rows
The Trainings Report is the home to all Trainings related data such as Completion Rate, Grade, etc. This report includes data for Guides, Challenges, SCORM, Events, Paths, & Resources.
The Trainings Report also includes Group Rows functionality, which allows you to analyze your data at the Manager, Group, or Training level, by grouping rows of data based on the selected Group Rows field.
Ex. Group Rows by Manager Name would aggregate stats at the Manager level, made up of each individual's performance
To use Group Rows:
Choose which field you would like to group your data based on
Note: up to two Group Rows can be selected at a time
Choose which Aggregate Dimensions you'd like to see in the report
NOTE: when using Group Rows only Aggregate Dimensions will populate, and you must have at least one present in order to run the report
Select 'run report' to populate your data
To watch a walk-through of how Group Rows can be used click here
Report Templates
When creating a new report users can choose to build your own report entirely from scratch or choose a template. Report templates are pre-made reports with filters, group rows, & columns selected to help you find answers to commonly asked questions.
Report Templates available include:
All Modules in a Path - Learner Data: report providing list of Learner performance on modules within a Path
All Modules in a Path - Aggregate Data: report providing aggregate performance on modules within a Path
Group Performance: report providing aggregate stats by Group
Learner Attendance - Events: report providing Learner attendance data for an Event
Learner Performance - All Trainings: report providing full progress details for all Trainings assigned to Leaners
Learner Performance - Challenges: report providing Learner performance for a Challenge
Overdue Analysis: report providing list of users & trainings that are overdue & assigned in the last 3 months
Training Performance: report providing aggregate stats by Training
After creating a report from a Template you will see filters, group rows, & columns pre-populated.
In order to run the report simply edit any filters with your relevant information - these filters start with '(example)' as the input and can be edited by clicking on the filter name.
How To Save A Report
To save a report, perform the following steps:
Check that you've run your report
Select Save Report, located next to the Run Report button
Name the report
The report has now been saved, it can be accessed from the Reporting Dashboard page.
How To Export A Report
To export a report:
Ensure the correct report has been ran
Click on the arrow located next to the Run Report button
For Guide, Challenge, SCORM and Path reports, you will be emailed the report. For all other report types, the report will download from the webpage directly unless the file is too large for download (in which case it will be emailed to you).
What time zones are the times and dates?
Is the data available in real-time from platform to the Report Builder?
There is a 30-minute delay between action & data population
Can I include or use custom attributes in my reports?
Yes, as of 7/27/2022, custom attributes can be used as filters or added as columns to the All users assigned to a Guide, Challenge, SCORM and Path reports, as well as the Trainings Report